Chapter Three - The Feast

Start from the beginning

Albus and Scorpius nodded and Auggie pointed to the brown haired girl, "And this is Lilith Brocklehurst."

Lilith held a hand towards Scorpius with a shy smile, "I don't think I've seen you around?"

Scorpius smiled and shook the girls hand, "You wouldn't have. I'm Scorpius."

Lilith nodded.

"And I'm Albus," Albus cut in with a smirk.

"Albus?" Theta asked. "As in Albus Potter?"

"Unfortunately," Albus replied with a grim smile causing Theta to chuckle.

"And that would make you Scorpius Malfoy?" Lilith asked.

"Um," Scorpius tensed. "That depends on your opinion on him."

Lilith looked as though she was in thought, "I'd have to get to know him to develop one of those." She smiled and Scorpius let out a sigh of relief. He glanced at Albus to find a shit eating grin plastered on his face. One that Scorpius didn't know the reason for. He raised an eyebrow at the expression and saw Auggie slap their forehead with their palm.

"Idiots," they mumbled under their breath.

Theta smiled at Scorpius before asking a random question, "Are either of you particularly good at History of Magic?"

Scorpius raised an eyebrow in confusion at the question. He supposed you could tell a lot about a person from what classes they were good at, but he didn't really see what History of Magic had to do with their conversation. But maybe that was the point. Trying to find something she had in common with either of them to talk about it. Either way, Scorpius' answer was the same for just about every class you could place in that sentence.

His lack of motor skill as a little kid due to his Klinefelter syndrome had always been an insecurity of his. Scorpius took to reading because it was something that didn't require too much physical ability and he'd always enjoyed it when Astoria would read to him. Once she fell very ill he'd returned the favour by reading to her whenever she wanted. Apparently he'd done that a few times before he learnt to read properly as well.

His Dad had once told him a story about how he climbed into bed with her with his favourite book that she would read to him and tried to read it to her. He didn't quite have all the sounds letters made down yet so it wasn't exactly intelligible. He also remembered the stuffed animal from that book that she'd gotten him on his seventh birthday. An elephant. A giant scary creature that so many thought might crush them that was really quite gentle. Scorpius had never gone anywhere without it.

He'd left it behind for his first two years at Hogwarts, being slightly embarrassed to still have a stuffed toy, but after Astoria's death he began to bring it with him as a reminder of the good times. He'd hug it tight and whisper to it as though it was storing Astoria's spirit. That stuffed toy knew just about all of his secrets. It never replied to him, but he had always felt better after telling the elephant his woes. 

He'd read his favourite book to the stuffed toy as well a few times. He knew it was probably childish, and that even Albus would mock him if he found out, but he really did love the elephant. Draco had never minded that Scorpius held onto it. Apparently he still had a few tokens to remind him of Astoria himself that he'd talk to. Perhaps it was a Malfoy thing. Or an Astoria thing.

"I'm actually the top student in our year for History of Magic," Scorpius flushed slightly at what he was admitting.

Albus snorted, "Yeah, that and every other class," Albus shook his head. "Not me. I call that class nap time."

Auggie chuckled and glanced at Theta to hear what she had to say next.

"Great!" Theta smiled. "Because Lilith isn't doing too well in that class and the only people in our year that really pay attention are stuck up."

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