Chapter Two - Platform 9 3/4

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Hi! So, this is going to be interesting. And TBH, I low key picture Draco and Scorpius as the male equivalent of the Gilmore girls. Albus is probably some weird combination of Lane, Jesse, and Dean, Rose is probably Paris, and we just won't talk about anyone being Tristan. Enjoy!


Scorpius woke up to feel his silk sheet covering him and keeping him warm. He was protected from the breeze swirling through the ajar window above his desk. But alas, it was time to go to school. He pulled the pale blue sheets to the side and was hit by a cold draft, coming from the grey sky outside. He wriggled his toes on the plush rug beneath his feet and stared out of the window for a moment.

He loved cloudy days like this one. His Mum would take him out sometimes on cold grey days because less people would be leaving their homes. And if there were less people outside, there were less judgemental stares to be sent their way. If it did end up raining the two would somehow get home soaking wet, even if they had an umbrella. His Dad used to complain about getting the floors all wet and muddy but Scorpius and his Mum just used to tackle him so that the whole family was covered in rain and mud.

There was one day, when Scorpius was seven, when they took Draco with them to walk around the wizard and muggle towns. Scorpius had rather enjoyed bringing his Dad along, and he had caught the man smiling so many times that day. Although he had still said it wasn't right to go out and get dirty like that. Of course, he said that while stifling a laugh and struggling not to smile.

That day Astoria had bought something called a video camera from a muggle shop. Once she had figured out how it worked she'd managed to get some funny and happy videos of the family. Scorpius' favourite had been when Draco tried to make breakfast himself for Scorpius' birthday. He had gotten flour all over the place and it didn't turn out well, but Scorpius had always admired that his Dad was willing to do that for him. 

After Albus had given Scorpius something called a smart phone, Scorpius figured out how to transfer the videos to it so that he could leave the camera at home but still be able to watch the videos if he felt really down. Usually that was on days such as Mother's Day, Astoria's birthday, her death day, Christmas and Easter. The fun little adventures she'd take him on to spend time together. The time Scorpius tried baking cupcakes for her. The hours they would spend perfecting the Christmas decorations. 

Whenever Scorpius saw a grey sky he'd think of her, and it wasn't in a sad way. He was happy that he'd gotten those memories with her before her blood curse took a turn for the worst. He knew she'd never gotten that with her Mother, and that Daphne had practically raised her despite being only two years older.

The blonde jumped onto his feet with a smile on his face as he got changed for the day ahead. He put on the first thing he saw that was warm enough and baggy enough to protect him from the cold, and Connor and his goons. It was a guarantee that he'd told them about Scorpius. But he wouldn't think about that. It wasn't important. Not at all.

He pulled his already packed bags down the stairs and left them in the living room before picking up the mouth watering smell of bacon. He walked into the kitchen and saw his Dad at the stove.

"That smells nice," Scorpius complimented.

Draco turned around, "See," he said, "I'm getting better at this."

Scorpius nodded and stole a bit of bacon from the plate, "When are you going to try making something for breakfast that isn't bacon and eggs?"

Draco narrowed his eyes, "You watch it mister," he pointed the oily spatula at Scorpius, who lifted his hands in fake defeat. 

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