Chapter 1 paired up

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"Ria get your but up it's school time" with that my brother Alex slammed the house door and left.

Breathe ria breathe

I got up and take a shower and put on a large sweater, baggy sweats, fake glasses, and my green color contacts my eyes are naturally blue and along with my black wig.

And some flip flops

I walk towards school even though my school is like 30 minutes away it felt like nothing

Walking into the door I heard whispers

She's so ugly

Why wear baggy sweats?

She has horrible taste in clothes

She's an abomination

I don't let the things they say get to me but what that last person said was just mean still ignoring them I head towards art class it was my first class for the morning I walked in and head to the back of the class.

later the bell rang and kids came in.

"Okay class we're gonna-" the door burst open, in came Cole Adams the schools bad boy oh and my favourite bully has arrived I was being sarcastic he's more like my main bully

"Sorry, I'm late Ms. Rolle" Cole sat down in the seat next to me lucky me

It was the only seat left

He looked at me but I kept my eyes forward waiting for the teacher to continue

"Okay class as I was saying before I'm going to put you all in pairs for a project for an art assignment, you will be drawing a sketch it's up to you and your partner to decide who or what y'all gonna draw"

I turned my head looking out the window zooming out the room

"Mara and Leon"

"And lastly Cole and Ria"

When she said my name with Cole's I internally groaned but Cole groaned loudly causing the class to laugh.

I looked at Cole and then at my teacher "Can I just do it by myself?" I ask the teacher

"I'm sorry but you can't Ria you and Cole have to present it together"

"Fine" I huffed and sank into my seat

"Anyway nerd I'll be over at your place today after school then we can work on it" he said turning towards me

And I nod
If you're wondering how does he know where I live well it's simple since he and my brother are friends they are at each other houses but every time Alex's friends come by us. he tells me to stay in my room or else he'll make my suffering worse at school

When school was over I started walking home Alex speeds past me in the car my parents left for the both of us and threw a drink at me.

Ugh, what was that I quickly walked home once I reach I saw three cars in the yard one is our car then the other two I don't recognize I pulled open the door only for paint to fall on me.

I tried to walk but slipped and hit something hard I can hear the boy's laughter I tried to get up but I was being kicked multiple times in different places

"S-stop" I croaked

They stopped after a few more seconds

I stand up wiped my eyes so I can see. my lips were trembling I slowly walked up the stairs the pain in my back and side was hurting really bad

I walked into my room lock the door and went into my bathroom

Cole POV

1hr later

Damn we got the nerd good it's been an hour since it happened she had enough time to get cleaned up

Right now we're currently watching a movie in the front room

Me, Alex, Blake, and Greyson

She looks so different from her family

I saw a picture of her parents they both have blonde hair and blue eyes along with Alex

But she has green eyes black hair not that anything's wrong with that but she's just ugly with it her hairs always a mess.

"Hey, Alex?" I say


"Why does your sister has green eyes and black hair?"

"You know I never really thought about it...she probably dyed it black but I don't even remember her having blonde hair dude neither blue eyes" he shrugged

"Ugh let me go start this project with her where can I find her room?"

"The last door on the right" he said laughing along with the guys.

I walked until I reach her room door it was blue

And I knocked


I was able to get all of the paint out of my wig once I was showered and clean I took out my sketch pad along with my pencils and eraser with everything in my hand along with my phone I walked to my door but was stopped by a knock

"Uh, who is it?" I said walking closer

"It's me nerd"

"Of course it is" I mumble

I opened my door and closed it back

"we're going to the balcony," I said walking past him

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