Chapter 44 Furious

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Cole's Pov

I was sitting in my car waiting on Ria when I see Khalil approaching me. ''Hey Cole'' he says as he reaches my window

I screw it down slightly ''Yes?''

''I need to talk to you'' he said seriously.

''Okay'' I said getting out of the car.

Once I was out I leaned against the car I waited for him to speak ''I know you're hiding something from us'' he says looking me in the eyes

''Oh really'' I mocked

''I'm serious, tell me why you keep going back to California?'' he asks getting irritated which I found amusing so I decided to make him more irritated.

''So, what if I know something that doesn't mean I have to tell you, I could be a spy for all you know'' I said smugly

He walks up to me clenching his fist ''Last chance Cole tell me what you know about the U.S mafia because obviously, you're lying about being the California Mafia leader. No one is in control of one state just how Maddox is in control of the whole United kingdom Ace is in control of the whole United states and Josh is in control of Canada'' he says

''Look Khalil even if I know something I'm not helping you guys if you were smart you would notice I never pitch in towards the meetings or give tips'' I said walking back towards the building to get Ria.

''Okay I have noticed that but still, we're all gonna be left with nothing once the Chinese take over there will be no more treaties just chaos'' he said following behind me. I ignored him and kept walking.

''Think about Ria, your daughter, Grey, and the rest of your friends. Be smart Cole, they're gonna find out eventually and with Alex already looking into Ace he's gonna find out you're connected to that gang'' he said making me stop once I reach the door where Ria is.

''That's what I'm hoping for'' I smirked opening the door,  but what I saw going on behind the door I froze and my smirk instantly dropped, making Khalil bump into my back.

My eye clouded with rage

I'm gonna kill him!


Khail's Pov

''That's what I'm hoping for'' he said, what does he mean by that? he opened the door and walked in when he stops suddenly making me walk into his back.

I see his body start to shake 

What the hell was going on?!

Walking in front of him I see Maddox and Ria kissing......wait what?


I told him to stall her for a few minutes not KISS HER!!

In a flash, Cole was on top of Maddox punching him in the face, and with each hit, I heard a bone broke. Maddox is Fucked and I think out of all us mafia leaders Cole actually liked him.....until now. before I can fully register anything Cole clutches onto Maddox's throat squeezing it very tightly.

I quickly recovered from how fast he moved and ran over to stop him, Maddox whole faced was already turning purple. I swore I heard something snap!

''Cole stop stop please'' Ria said frantically, the first time I saw Cole angry was at the meeting when one of my men roughed up Grey a little and he punched the guy to death but this was different he was actually killing him slowly with intense pain as if he wanted Maddox to die feeling nothing but agony and regret

''How dare he touches what's mine, he clearly does not value his life!'' Cole said dangerously

''Enough'' I said pulling at Cole's hand but as I pull I felt all my pride went down when I alone couldn't pry Cole's hand off Maddox out of nowhere Ryan, Alex, and Grey came in trying to take his hands off Maddox. I guess they didn't leave as yet

''Cole what the hell, let him go you'll kill him'' Alex exclaims pulling.

''This will cause chaos towards our plan we need all the help we can get'' Ryan said still trying to pull Cole's hands but it was no use by now Maddox had stop struggle against Cole's strong hold because he was getting weaker by the second

''Is it really worth it, what the hell did he do?!'' Grey said giving up on removing Cole's hand

''He um'' I started but stopped, for the first time in my life I actually took pity on someone.

Suddenly Cole loosens his grip on Maddox and started leaving not before saying ''Ria, let's go and if I see his face again I will brutally kill him'' she quickly follows behind quietly wiping her eyes.

''Someone call the ambulance quickly!'' Alex said putting his finger to Maddox's pulse.

''Okay okay! I'll call them'' Grey says panicking

They were all screaming but the only thing on my mind was

Who the hell is Cole?

Ria Pov

I was too scared to open my mouth and Cole was speeding, he told me to tell Ashley to carry Melody by her, but when I asked why he didn't answer me.

he turns the car off once we reach home he comes out of the car and walks inside the house with me following behind he kept walking until we pass my room I was going to stop but something tells me don't do it. 

We walked until we reach his room, unlocking the it he opens and holds the door for me to go in. Once I'm in he closes it back and locks it, then sits on the edge of the bed with his back facing me. 

''Cole I can explai--'' he cuts me off with a glared

''I want to punish you so bad'' he shakes with anger anger. 

Say what? he wants to punish me! 

Whenever Cole punishes me he always tickles me so for a guy so angry right now I can't imagine him tickling me.

He must known what I was thinking when a smirk came on his face. ''Go to your room, and get the bag that I placed on your floor'' I looked at him confused as to why he wants it his face hardens when I didn't move right away ''Now'' he shouts. 

I quickly scramble out of his room and went into my room remembering where he dropped the bag a few days ago I rushed to the bag and pick it up.

When Cole told me not to worry about what's in the bag I never bothered it nor have it crossed my mind. I closed my door behind me and walked back into Cole's room when I walked in he was just coming out his bathroom with only a towel on covering his lower body as I lock the door ''You haven't looked inside the bag ?'' he asks looking at me.

I shaked my head ''N-no I haven't looked inside''

His lips lifted a little ''Good girl......Now strip'' he ordered



Leave a blue heart for Ria and A red heart for Cole

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