Chapter 60 Jealous/Doctor

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Ryan's Pov

I looked between them shocked

When did Khalil start to like men? and why am I just finding this out but most importantly why is he claiming Grey!

My anger started to boil up ''Look here Khalil you gotta be high or something because no way am I letting you take him from me! I don't give a flying fuck who you are'' I said walking to him leaving Grey by the wall.

''And when the hell did he get yours?'' I continued

I see him narrowing his eyebrows ''I don't have to explain myself to you okay'' He walks to me that's what I thought he was doing but he walked right past me and took Grey's hand looking me dead in my eye he left with Grey.

I dropped to the ground, the one person I actually loved in a romantic way left me for someone else.

Ria's Pov

I'm currently in the bathroom with the door lock, I feel so sick, my head hurts, and I keep vomiting Cole left early this morning he said he'll be back in two hours saying something about having to help with the meeting. And it's only been one hour.

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the room door ''Who is it?'' I said weakly

''Baby, it's me unlock the door!'' I heard Cole's voice, I can hear the worry in his voice but why is he back so early.

''I'm fine I just need t-'' bile came out of my mouth and I turn my head to the toilet.

The banging began to be louder and consistent ''I said to unlock the door'' he breaks the door down causing me to startle a little.

He rushes in and looks at my state he pulls me in his arms and carries me to the bed after helping me brush my teeth and other stuff.

''I'm going to get the doctor'' he says kissing my forehead and standing up but I hold his hand stopping him from leaving.

''But I hate doctors'' I whined he looks at me.

''Lo so piccola'' (I know baby)

he leaves me and returns five minutes later with the doctor. 

''Good day I'm doctor Johnson, can you tell me what's been happening'' I began telling her everything and she nods her head and asks me some questions.

''Okay I see, I will take some tests and the results will be back tomorrow okay'' she says smiling

''Alright, Cole you can leave I think I'm good'' I say looking at him and he pouts

''B-but I wanna stay here with you'' he mumbles

''Aren't you busy with helping prepare for the meeting?'' I ask

''No, I'm free'' he says

''Okay'' I smile and he grinned coming on the next side of me.

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