I lunged at her once more but Lucas wasn't ready for me that time. My arms raked her body and she jumped out of the way right before I made contact with her face again.

"You're insane!  Now I'm really calling Nate!"

"Come on, let's just grab everything important right now and get out of here.  I don't really want to see a cat fight tonight, especially not one featuring my little sister."

Layla thankfully escaped the room in a huff on her phone ranting and raving but if I knew Nate I knew he'd be on his third bourbon at the bar by his work, hanging with his buddies from high school.

It would take him at least thirty minutes to get back to the apartment, and we could be long gone by then.

I packed up my entire wardrobe, all of my old collectibles and keepsakes, my writing tools and all of my extra, devastatingly blank journals.

The stinging pain that flared up when I was reminded of the fact that my almost entire life's work of poetry was wasted sitting in the garbage.

I even checked the trashcans in the bathrooms and the kitchen just in case they threw it out recently but I was out of luck.

Lucas grabbed my arm while I was packing.

"Hey, that stuff she said about what you wrote. Was some of it about what happened with..."

He trailed off because even he couldn't talk about it.

"Yes. And if they didn't throw it away like they said they did and show it to anyone, we're all going to be screwed."

He gave me a knowing, harrowing look filled with dread.

"I'll check the dumpster on the way out, then."

I nodded at him, determination set in my eyes as I started skimming my hands between the box spring and the mattress- Nate's favorite hiding place for any valuables.

"You can take all your stuff, but I still got Nate."

Layla just wouldn't shut her damn mouth, would she?

"That's fine.  You'll realize soon enough, when he starts telling you what to wear, what to do and controlling every aspect of your life.  I was blinded and trapped by the life we made together and felt like I couldn't leave until you gave me the perfect excuse to escape.  You'll be begging for him to give you a reason to leave, then he'll fuck you over just like he did to me."

I stalked towards her slowly, only stopping until I was directly in her face, the freckles dotting her nose visible even underneath the makeup she always caked on in an effort to hide the small dots because I knew Nate hated freckles as I had done the exact same thing with mine...I hadn't worn makeup since I left him. 

"You can't change a man like Nate, and I'm more than thankful that this happened because now I'm free to do as I please.  I don't have someone tying me down making me do things I never wanted, making me their housewife while he could fuck a sidepiece whenever he wanted while I got two seconds in the bedroom and was never satisfied.  Have fun with him never reciprocating the sexual favors and always being selfish during sex, if he hasn't already.  Sure, it'll be fun at first but then the psychological shit's gonna start, and then you'll see I'm right. 

"Have fun with my ex, and remember who's lips were on his first, remember who fucked him in every inch of this apartment.  Remember your ex best friend, who will never feel a shred of sympathy for you when he starts breaking you down slowly, tearing you down and gradually making you lose yourself in the process of making your whole life revolve around him.  Have fun, Layla, because I sure as hell am right now watching you make the biggest mistake of your life."

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