Chapter 8 (Edited )

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so here i am getting ready with help of shreya. i am wearing pink simple anarkali dress with minimal makeup.

i was getting nervous every second, then shreya took my hands into hers and said

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

i was getting nervous every second, then shreya took my hands into hers and said

" u r looking beautiful, keep confidence in your self" she said i nodded my head

" r u ready for ur marriage " i asked , i am more than ready she said and smiled. ya her marriage is next month and she is having destination marriage in goa.

we were talking on different topics when my mom came and said they are calling me. i nodded my head she left, shreya squeezed my hand assuring everything will be ok. i nodded my head and left with her

while i was walking down on stairs i lifted my head and our eyes met and was shocked to see him and he smiled and i blushed, he sat there in casuals looking handsome

while i was walking down on stairs i lifted my head and our eyes met and was shocked to see him and he smiled and i blushed, he sat there in casuals looking handsome

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" so here is my daughter " my dad said getting me out of my tension

i bowed to every one then Malini aunty told me to sit beside her. i went and sat there. she asked me some questions and i answered and told that she is head founder of the hospital i work . i got shocked and covered it . then Arjun uncle said 

" i think we should let the children talk and make their decision" he said and my dad agreed

" beta take him to ur room " my mom said and i nodded

we both went to our room and i closed the door. took chair from my study table and passed him and told him to sit. and i sat on bed keeping my head low.

" are u forced to this marriage " he asked i felt very happy that he considered my opinion

" no.. no.. body force me, i accepted it on my own " why am i shuttering and he smiled

he came near me and asked

" can i hold ur hand " he asked , i nodded my head and gave my hand to him , he took my both hands into his and kneeled down and said which shocked me

" i really like u and i want to give this marriage a chance " he said, he likes me oh my god

" i promise u that i will give my 100% in this marriage " he said , and my eyes welled up with tears, and i was stopping them but couldn't control them. he got tensed 

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