Chapter 45 ( Edited )

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its been two hrs after the beatings i got from him and i am starving and they didn't even give me anything and bcs of lack of food also i am feeling weak and i don't know what i did and i felt anger and pure hatred towards both brother and sister and i couldn't believe myself that she played with me and the way she acted she could Nandi award ( note the sarcasm ). but i prayed to god to keep him safe and take me back to him but form the last beatings i got and they r paining severely and i am not able to move my body but i don't know when i slept.

i jolted from my sleep when i felt my wounds burning and realised that he pored hot water on me and i had no strength left in me and he clutched my hair and made me look at him and said

" i hope you slept well ha " he said and didn't say anything but looked at him in anger and said

" when ani finds you he will not leave you for what you did and just you tortured me in past he made you like this think now what abuse you did to me and what will he do to you thinking about it i fell pity on you " i said and laughed and he slapped me hard and said

" wt is your strength ha " he said raising a brow

" my strength is my name " i said

" wt ur name is Bhavya and how can it be your strength " he asked

" my full name " i said

" wt is it " he asked

" BHAVYA ANIRUDDH SRI VATSAV " i said proudly and i could see fear in his eyes but he masked and i laughed 

" oh so you believe he will find you but till now he couldn't trace us and ur telling he will fine you " he said and laughed

" yes he will definitely find me and after finding me he will not leave you, mark my words " i said and threw me on floor and before leaving he said

" today is the last day for you " he said and went from there and now i was feeling all numb and saw i was all red due to hot water and i could feel tears on my cheeks and i was praying to god to take me out of this and i was hoping this is all dream and i would open my eyes and see my husband but every time i get up i only see the dark room. and now i was feeling weak and the pain was also not helping and i fell unconscious.


i jolted from sleep and cursed myself for sleeping and not searching for my wife and i went down to see everyone sleeping except David as he was doing something and saw every one was exhausted and then i went to David and asked

" did you find from where the video came " i asked

" no i couldn't trace as it was an sms " he said

" its been 24 hrs my wife is missing and you didn't even get a clue " i said in anger

" ani control " dad said and i just nodded when my phone started ringing and i lifted the call to hear his disgusting voice

" hi, i hope ur well " he said

" what do you want Nithin and tell me where is my wife " i asked in anger

" cool down man i will tell you first you listen to a flashback " he said and started

" there were two cousin of same age and one was intelligent and other was also intelligent but no one never appreciated him so he left every one and ran away " he said and i remembered one person who did that was Visala aunts son Nithin Khanna and i got shocked

" Nithin Khanna you " i said getting shock

" yes bro you remember me " he said

" but why r u doing all this and leave my wife or else you have face severe situations " i said in warning tone

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