Chapter 5 ( Edited )

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i woke up to my alarm clock, got fresh and got ready, applied minimal makeup, braided my hair bcs i have long hair so i cant keep them open, took my coat , took my phone and bag and went down and greeted my family

" good morning mom dad" i said

" good morning beta" they said in union

then my sisters came and greeted me and we all had our breakfast. i took my lunch box and went out to see that i had no petrol in my bike. so i informed my mom and went to bus station with my sisters. first their bus arrived and the said good bye and went.

after some time my bus came i went inside and took the ticket to my destination and sat near the window seat. but to my bad luck the bus was filled with crowd. i really hate bus bcs they will be crowded.

i got down in my stop and glance my watch it was 9:30 it means i am late. i walked fast and reached hospital in five minutes and greeted my head

" good morning sir" i said calming my raising heart

" good morning , u r late but its ok " he said in calm voice i am shocked bcs he is very punctual and hates if any  comes late

" i have something for u" he said and handed me an envelop

" this is ur salary and take this too" he said giving me another envelop and opened it and i got shocked and looked at my head and he smiled.

" u got promoted as doctor to work in Ayurveda dept. this is bcs of all ur hard work, keep it up, and ur the best student i could ever get" he said and patted my shoulder and went out.

i then went to my cabin and called shreya to inform her about this.

" hello, busy " i asked

" no, and free for u anytime " she said and chuckled

" thanks, i want to tell u something imp" i said 

" tell me now " she said

" I got promoted as permanent doctor,
and ha u should drop me as my fuel got over in my bike " i said

" ok madam and congo and by the way how did you reach the hospital " she said

"  by bus and you know the bus was really crowed to my irritation but as i reached hospital i was shocked to see my head was calm and gave me promotion letter and congratulated me " i said  and 

" oh that's nice, ok bye i have a meeting to attend now "  she said and cut the call

i looked at my room it is neatly decorated and i have my nameplate too. i felt very proud of myself. i just joined in this hospital two months back and now i am permanent doctor and  then i called my parents and informed about them about my promotion, they are very happy, i talked for some time and was checking my files when someone knocked on my door, i said come in, then a girl entered

" good mrng mam, i am Sheela ur personal assistant" she said

" hi Sheela, nice to meet u, come sit" i said

" mam i am very happy i am working under u, i herd lot about u" she said

"thank you and i hope you cooperate with me " i said

" sure mam " she said

" ok so can i know my schedule today " i asked

" mam today u have no patients, and Karan sir ( head) told me to keep the appointments tomorrow so basically ur free today" she said

" ok then give me the files of the patients who are attending tomorrow" i said. she nodded her head and went out. after some time she gave me the reports of my patients.

while i was reading i glanced at the watch it was lunch time so i went with Sheela and had lunch. and i got to know lot about her and she is very nice girl with good heart and then my collogues greeted me and congratulated me. after lunch i came back to my room.

while i was reading a file there was a knock on my door, i thought it was my assistant so i said come in. door opened and closed but i did not look up. by not getting any reply i said what is it Sheela, then i herd a male voice and looked up

" hello princess" he said, i got up from my chair went near him and hugged him.

" what r u doing here" i asked breaking the hug and telling him to sit down.

" can't i come visit my sister " he said in dramatic way . i chuckled and replied

" yes u can, and no one is stopping u" i said

" congratulations for ur promotion" he said and i raised my eyebrow 

" Shreya told me, news travels fast u know" he said

" ha, i know " i said mocking him

" then when r u giving party" he asked

" evening shreya said she will pick me up, and we wanted to enjoy and i don't mind if u join us" i said, his face lit up and he smiled.

" oh ho someone is eager to meet their fiancé ha " i said

" u know right, then why " he said

" i know, i know " i said dreamily and laughed at his expression

and we talked for sometime and he asked me 

" princess, there is business party this Sunday and i want u to perform" he said

" bro i don't think its possible bcs business party, my akka will not allow me " i said looking at him seriously.

" don't worry about it ill talk to ur akka " he said and assured me 

then there was knock and i said come in, then entered my best friend

" hi " i said

" hi , and what r u dng here " she asked bro, raising her eyebrow

" can't i meet my sister" he said

" yes u can meet " she said and sat beside bro

"don't say that u don't like him coming " i said and she blushed

 we talked for some time and i glanced at the watch and its my time to leave 

" my shift is over so lets leave " i said and picked my bag ,phone, coat and some files to read after going home and gave off to Shreya and i also introduced her to Bro and Shreya and then

we sat at the café for some time and i paid the bill. After that they both dropped me in my home and bro said he will in the evening and pick me up from dance class. i said ok and went inside.

i got freshen and got ready for dance class after drinking my milk, i informed my mom about bro and went to dance class.

in the break i told akka about my promotion and also said about the party, and said Rahul wants to talk to her she agreed 

after class completed me and Rahul went to akka home

" see Rahul i know about business party, but i am afraid " akka said

" akka don't worry ill assure u her safety " he said. akka was resultant at first but she agreed bcs Rahul keeps his word so she agreed. After that we went home and Rahul talked to my parents about it. they also agreed after a lot if assuring them.

after eating dinner, i went to my room and started studying  the files and after some time i went to sleep thinking about the events took place.

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