Himiko x Tenko

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Himiko and Tenko Au where tenko doesn't die from her attack instead is just very injured.
*Himikos POV*

Everyone froze and stopped singing as they heard Tenko scream.

I ran over to the cage and tried to lift it up.

"Don't just watch HELP me" I yelled slightly as I kept trying to lift it up persistently.

"Tenko... Tenko are you okay, your going to be okay" I said as I heard Tenko silently sobbing.

We lifted up the cage and Tenko collapsed to the ground and grunted in pain.

"Tenko!" I gasp as I rush down to her side.

"Y..Your bleeding... SOMEONE... Go get help NOW" I said as I ripped off my jacket and held it to Tenko's wound.

"H...himiko" Tenko tried to speak.

"Don't talk.. your going to be okay Tenko" I said as Tenko squeezed my hand and smiled.

*a while later and Tenko is bandaged up doing better*

I sat at her side.

It had been hours.

Shuichi was trying to figure out what happened while I stayed with Tenko.

I held her hand as she slept.

"Get better... get better Tenko you have to" I said silently.

Shuichi came in worried.

"How is she doing" he asked softly.

"I.. I don't really know... I... I" I started to tear up.

"What do I do if she dies Shuichi... what if she DID die... I.. I" Shuichi gave me a hug as I cried into his shoulder.

"She's going to be okay Himiko, I'm going to find out who did this.. I promise" he told me confidently.

"O..okay Shuichi thank you... you should go to sleep now and get some rest" I say as I sit back down in my spot next to Tenko.

"What about you.." he said concerned.

"I'm not leaving her.. I almost already lost her once.. I'll just sleep here" I say with a sad smile.

"Okay... but get some sleep" And with that Shuichi left.

I look at Tenko as I lay my head down on the side of the bed, holding her hand.

"Good night Tenko... nyeh..I'm sorry this happened" I say closing my eyes.

*in the morning*


I groaned as I heard my name

"Nyeh... five more minutes"

"Himiko.. what happened"

I remember what happened and jolt up and see Tenko awake, in pain, and looking confused.

I felt tears tugging at my eyes.

"T..tenko" I say on the verge of tears.

"Himiko what's wrong" Tenko asked concerned.

"You.. your Okay.. t...tenko" I say with the tears leaving my eyes.

"Himiko..." she said reaching out and softly grabbing my hand.

I quickly get up and desperately hold Tenko in my arms.

"I..I..I thought I lost you... Don't leave Tenko please... I.. I need you... you can't ever die" I say sobbing into her chest.

She wrapped her arms around me and combed her finger through my hair.

"Okay... I won't leave I promise okay Himiko" Tenko said softly.

"I..I..just..I don't think I could do this without you Tenko... This is my fault... I should have gone in the cage... then you wouldn't be hurt" I say looking up to her, still crying.

She laid her hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"It's not your fault Himiko... Don't ever blame yourself okay" She said smiling softly.

We laid there together like that for what felt like hours.

When I held her

When I almost lost her

When I felt... everything.

That's when I knew.

I knew That I was in love with Tenko Chabishira.

So as we laid there.

Just enjoying each others company.. each other's warmth.

I said something, I spoke up.

"Tenko.." I said quietly.

"Yes Himiko" she said happily looking down at me.

"I...I.. never mind it's nothing" I say losing confidence.

She looked into my eyes.

"You can tell me Himiko.. you shouldn't bottle things up remember" She said with a smile.

That smile.

"It's just that..."

I take a deep breath.

"I don't ever want you to leave Tenko, I don't want you to get hurt.. because I.. I love you Tenko.." I say looking up to her.

She looked into my eyes confused.

"I... I just like everything about you.. your eyes and your hair.. your smile... The way you make me feel.. I just realized when I almost lost you.. that I never wanted to be without you by my side.." I say confidently.

"Himiko.. really?" She said with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Nyeh.. don't make me say it again" I say embarrassed.

Tenko wraps her arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"I love you too Himiko.. I just.. thought you didn't like me" She said still hugging me.

"That's impossible" I giggled.

"Your too nice to me Himiko" she said softly.

I lean back to see Tenko smiling, with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying tenko" I say confused.

"...they're happy tears don't worry" she said reassuringly.

I lean in and close the gap between us.


It's always so funny how things work out.

OKAY I FINISHED. I love Tenko and Himiko. So I made dis. I was really bored. My stories aren't the best... BUT IMA GET BETTER I PROMISEEEEEE. Remember to leave requests in the comments.

Have a lovely day 😗✌️✌️✌️✌️

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