Wren Info

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Sorry that the picture is pretty bad, along with my handwriting

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Sorry that the picture is pretty bad, along with my handwriting. 

Soul Color: Powder Blue

Soul Trait: Quirky



5' 5"

148 lbs.

From NaiTale

Lives in Anti Void and Nightmare's AU

Sexuality: Straight

Likes:      Music, Anime, Art, Animals, Monsters, Cooking, Magic, Fighting

Dislikes:   Yelling/Arguing, Being Alone, Spicy Foods, Jokes/Puns

Magic:  Can summon a katana, knives, and shield, and can heal others.

I'm not good at designing characters, so it may take a while for me to post an update for how the characters look. The Sans will be humans, because I don't know how to draw skeletons.

Also, thank you Stephenie and Frances for providing me with information on unknown stuff, giving advice, and helping with the designs.

I hope you guys will like the story and enjoy reading it.   :3

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