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21: Insidious detriments that procured this predicament

Jared's Pov:


The church is packed with people who are listening intently to the priest as he concludes the prestigious service.

White roses adorn the platform where Megan's open coffin is placed. It's hard to believe that she's really gone when she simply appears to be in a deep sleep.

"Today, we are gathered here to bid farewell to one of the brightest youths of this town. It is an immense and treacherous tragedy that we were deprived of someone so young and full of life.

Someone who had not fully relished in the goodness of life and its true endeavors.

Someone who yet had to unearth the riches and luxurious parameters of this enclosure, the world."

The priest's voice echoes off the walls of the church and we listen in silence to the deafening sound of death.

The morbid melancholy in the air is suffocating honestly.

Karen is quietly observing Megan's open coffin from a distance and I know she's thinking about the last time she'd buried someone.

I nudge her softly and my hand rests onto hers.

Karen starts and then gives me a thankful glance.

Mason somehow made it to the funeral even though he still hasn't fully recovered.

He'll pull through though.

I am quite in awe of his patience and endurance. My respect for the guy has escalated effectively ever since I met him.

Mackenzie is sitting close by her arm linked with his.

Something tells me she's not going to let him out of her sight for a long time.

Josh sits beside me and Beth right next to Karen her shoulder draped around Karen's.

The priest finishes his prayer at an invigorating hope of redemption of humanity and boundless blessings to shower upon us.

Everyone in the church rises. It's time to bury the deceased.


Narrator's Pov/Megan's Voicemail:

The procession makes its way across the road to the town's renowned cemetery only a few steps past the church.

Sometimes I do things and say things that I regret afterwards.

The sky is set with gray illuminative clouds that are brewing for a rampant storm. The ominous atmosphere sets the mood for a funeral.

Or maybe it's how people would perceive it.

I am irrational and make redundant mistakes. I cannot describe the inexplicable stirring I'm having right now as I come to realize that I can never be normal.

Black umbrellas are raised by every hand in the crowd, forming a curving current of umbrellas as observed from an aerial view.

I thought the medication would soothe my nerves. I thought the drugs would help me to rest.

The procession stops beside the newly dug up grave which would be Megan's abode from now onwards.

I didn't want to be treated like there was something wrong with me although deep down I knew I was simply lying to myself.

The gravestone sports her name engraved into marble along with her extremely less duration of life.

You may doubt my sense of discernment at this moment but I assure you with perfect conviction that I am guilty of the murder of Jeb Morgan.

The Jerk's Cursed Girlfriend [BOOK#02 The JERK SERIES] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now