Prologue I

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The sound of panting being heard and sweat trickled down her face as she ran harder and harder as she took each step out of the orphanage she used to live... she turned around to see her best friend, Momo running along with her to survive in this cruel world.

She and Momo ran into the endless pit of darkness, heart slamming in the rib cage, not knowing where to go but they were both determined to not stay in the orphanage anymore longer.

Their lungs burning in the lack of oxygen, she felt like giving up and rest for a while but they never halt in their steps when the sirens of the police were suddenly heard and it was getting closer to them... Nayeon turned her head to look at the back again and she sees a patrol car patrolling just around the corner.

And that's when they hide behind the dark valley, as cliche as it seems but that's the only way to not get caught by those patrolling officers.

They will question why would kids especially girls were doing there at night time alone without their adults in a dark valley, where have been lots of crime recently. And they surely don't want to go back to the orphanage.

Suddenly those sirens were clear out. But Nayeon's heartbeat didn't calm down and it just felt like her heart going to leap out of her chest soon.

She glanced on the other side of the valley, somewhere near the boxes she could see Momo looking not any better than her, she was shaking profusely like withering leaves.

And on cue when she turned her head back she heard the soft sound of shoes clicking on the pave way and turning into the valley they were hiding.

And it stopped only to hear statistics from a walkie talkie softly repeating some kind of codes but her eyes widened when she realized the codes, it was oddly familiar to her - Missing case.

The clicking sound of the shoes continued and was getting dangerously near Nayeon's hiding spot behind the rubbish bin.

"Officer Yuta! What are you doing here?"

"Officer Mina, tell me more about the St. Mariam missing case."

"Two kids went missing, the names' Asuki Nayeon, age 11 and Hirai Momo, age 11-"

At the mention, of her and her friends' name, Nayeon eyes gone more wide as if even possible than her already doe-like eyes in anticipation and she glanced at her friend, Momo and their eyes meet she was wide-eyed also. Nayeon peaked her head to greet two very young officer's, they might even be in their mid-10s. The officers were dangerously near her hiding spot.

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