30. Winter

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It was that time of year where you freeze your ass off and try to get warm. I loved the snow because f/n and I often had snowball fights. Usually we'd both be covered in snow by the end of it. Now there are a lot more of us which means I'll be cleaning up a lot more snow that gets dragged through the house. It's been 2 months since Zach was arrested and Edge was now completely healed. He still had that scar bit it looked badass so who could complain. I opened my eyes to see Edge sleeping peacefully next to me. Then I looked around the room to notice our clothes carelessly thrown on the floor. I tried to get up but something pulled me back. "Down boy" I giggled feeling him nibble at me neck. "Can't You Stay Another Few Hours?~" he asked flirtatiously, his hand rubbing my sides gently. "Stop." I giggled placing my hand over his. "That's Not What You Were Saying When I-" SLAM!

"WASSUP MOTHERFUCKERS!" F/n screamed slamming open the door. "AAAAAAA!" Edge threw a pillow at F/n who had a grin. "When's the wedding?" She smugly asked, dodging the pillow. Red magic surrounded the door and slammed it closed. "I WON THE BET SANS!" We heard F/n yell while walking away. Both of us were flustered and blushing. "Well that just happened" I mumbled.

After a few awkward seconds you both quickly went to shower and get dressed. I wore a simple pair of black tights with f/c converse and a f/c hoodie. F/n had a massive smirk present on her face and in her hand she had a cup of hot chocolate. "Have fun, y/n?" She asked and I heard Sans snicker behind her. "So? It's not like you and Blue are gonna get together anytime soon" I smirked watching a massive red blush spread across her face. She actually ended up choking on her drink. Sans and I were both laughing causing another skeleton to come over. "The hell's all this?" Mutt asked looking at a laughing Sans and a wheezing y/n. Then he looked at F/n who was still blushing and then he caught on. "Ooooh were they teasing you about Blue?" he asked. "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ALL THIS LAUGHTER?" Edge asked wandering into the kitchen. "E-edge! What uh are you doing here?" I asked glaring at F/n who was wiggling her eyebrows. He looked over to me and then saw that I was glaring at f/n. "I HEARD A TON OF LAUGHTER AND GOT CURIOUS" he smirked. Mutt left since Black had called him. Edge stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. Sans grumbled something then handed some money to f/n since she won whatever bet they made.

I huffed grabbing a can of f/d and walking towards one of the windows. It had obviously been snowing and it was still dark outside. I smirked, throwing away the empty can, and took off my hoodie. Instead of my hoodie I decided to wear another hoodie but it had fluff on the inside and fur on the rim of the hood. F/n and I exchanged winks and raced outside, both of us quickly taking cover. I made a snowball and just when she peeked her head out, I threw. I managed to hit her square in the face. She laughed and wiped away the snow. "You're such a bitch" she laughed. I moved my ears and tail with a grin. "I literally am a bitch, you idiot!" I yelled and dodged a snowball.

"Y/N! NO SWEARING!" Paps quickly responded walking outside to see us hiding from each other. All the others came out to see what we were doing and curiosity sparked in their eyes. "Come join us!" F/n offered throwing another snowball just as I threw another. They both clashed and we laughed again. Black wasn't looking and was nearly inside when a snowball hit him right on the back of his skull.

"WHO.THREW.THAT?!" He asked squinting at us. F/n pointed at me while I pointed at her. "She did it!" We both yelled playfully glaring at each other. We were interrupted by a massive amount of snow covering both of us. "Oh that guy didn't" F/n quietly hissed. "Wanna team and take them down?" I asked and she nodded. She had a surprised expression when she saw a f/c glow appear around the snow pile and fling it back at Black who was now standing far away from the house. We heard a string of cussing from the now buried skeleton. All of us ran around chasing one another, throwing snow at each other.

"What a wonderful day it was..."

My Edgy Wolf (Werewolf Uf Paps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now