Chapter 6: Recovering

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Edge touched the bruise and noticed your flinch. He removed the rope and carried you to the bathroom. He placed you in the bath so you could clean yourself off from the men's touches. He was about to leave but you grabbed his sleeve and looked weakly up at him. His ears went flat and red magic surrounded him. His skeleton hands came back and he held your hand. "I'll be right back y/n" he whispered. You weakly let go and held your injured stomach. Edge ran to his room and grabbed one of his black t-shirts. He then ran to your room and grabbed a pair of shorts. He ran back to the bathroom to see you rubbing soap on yourself except you were also scratching your skin. He placed the clothes down and held your hands again to stop you from scratching yourself open. "Relax, those horrible men aren't coming back." He whispered. You started tearing up and he wiped your tears away. "I'll stay and wait but let me grab a towel for you." He then went to a cabinet and took a fluffy red towel. "Edgy...." you whined and he walked back to you. "Please relax, can I help you?" You nodded and he grabbed the soap. He helped you clean up, dry off and change into the clothes he brought. You wanted to walk but your leg muscles were sore and Edgy noticed your limp. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room since he didn't want to leave you alone. "Y/n you will sleep here with me." Edge simply said and you just nodded against his ribcage. You soon felt the warmth of blankets and felt Edgy's arms wrap around you. "I'm sorry" you mumbled. "Why are you sorry? I should be sorry. I didn't get to you sooner." Edge said with guilt in his voice. "But you stopped them and you could sense that they were bad" you argued back. Edge sighed and then spoke, "It's actually no ones fault y/n" you smiled and cuddled closer to him. "Goodnight" he whispered running his fingers through your hair. "Night" you whispered back and shut your eyes closed.

"I'M SORRY BUT Y/N CAN'T GO TO WORK FOR A FEW DAYS, SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAS HAPPENED." You opened your eyes to see Edge talking to someone on the phone. You sat up slowly, making sure your bruised stomach didn't hurt. Edge hung up on the call and sighed. "M-morning Edge" you said in your tired voice. "OH GOOD YOU'RE AWAKE, HERE I MADE YOU BREAKFAST" He handed you a plate of f/f, you smiled and ate quickly. "IS IT OK?" You looked up at him and smiled. "Its amazing, you're a great cook!" That wasn't a lie, Edge did have really amazing culinary skills. He nodded before taking the empty plate and walking out the room. You stood up and walked to your room, remembering you slept in Edge's room after the incident. You still felt really paranoid bit you relaxed knowing Edge would beat the crap out of someone who dared to threaten you. He reminded you of a massive guard dog. Maybe even a police dog. You took off your clothes and got dressed into a f/c sweater with simple black shorts. You leaned on the wall when a sudden jolt off pain hit you. You rubbed your side in an attempt to ease the pain. Once the pain faded, you walked downstairs. "Edge?" You called out and heard shuffling from the kitchen. You walked into the kitchen and saw Edge eating a piece of raw bacon. "Edge you know you're mean't to cook bacon but I guess you are a wild werewolf so you must be used to it" you said and walked up to him. You hugged him and whispered 'thanks'. He smiled, hugging you back before picking you up. He carried you to the lounge, you saw the couch covered in blankets. Edge placed you down when suddenly he jolted from the loud noise of thunder. He then whined and sat down next to you. He snuggled up against you in an attempt to cover his ears. You rubbed his ears and wrapped a massive blanket around you both. You turned on the TV and looked for a movie on Netflix. You chose f/m and placed the remote down on the coffee table. Edge opened a eye socket and watched the movie. You felt your phone vibrate next to you and unlocked it.

F/n: Hey y/n, heard the horrible news 🙁

Y/n: Yeah it was the same two men from the  beach.

F/n: The police found them, Edge told me what happened.

Y/n: He saved me

F/n: I hope those horrible men rot in prison.

Y/n: Can we not talk abou this anymore?

F/n: oh sorry, we can chat later

Y/n: ok bye

F/n: Bye

You sighed and shut off your phone. Edge nudged you, you heard the faint sound of raindrops hitting the window. You looked at Edge and smiled. He smiled back at you and hugged you closer. You blushed and snuggled into his rib cage.

~Time Skip~
When the movie Edge was asleep probably because he spent the majority of the night guarding you. He explained that you weren't going to work for atleast 3 weeks. You just shrugged and continued scrolling through Instagram(or whatever social media)

This incident will take time to recover from, physically and emotionally...

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