A short note

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Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thank you all for reading my story. It really means a lot. I wrote this story about two months ago and I am soo pleased with the number of readers I am getting. Thank you!
Secondly, I would love if you could give me feedback about this book. This is the first book I have ever written ( other than short stories that I write every now and then 😂). I really, really want to hear your reviews, and things that you found useful here. Did you like this book or not? And do you want books like this in the future?
My main purpose of writing this book was obviously to get you all to improve yourself and to become a better you. I wanted to explain the principles I had learned in the past few years, so that you can also implement them in your life. And the second purpose was to obviously add in positivity, during these hard times. I know this is a time, we all do not wish to be at. But here it is. And we can't do anything right now except pray and hope that COVID-19 vaccine is made soon. Just follow the rules, do not go out, wash your hands frequently, do not touch your face and eat healthy! You can do it and I know you will! We are in it together and we will face it with bravery.
The last but not least thing I want to say is that, no one is perfect. Every one has flaws but you need to face them. This is something, that I hope I conveyed properly in the book. I am not perfect, you are not perfect. But with a little bit of practice we can do it.
I have also faced many problems in life, some big as a mountain, others small as an atom. And I know it is very hard not to get frustrated and annoyed during that time. But practice, trying not to. Be patient. You will get through with them. I love this quote ( which I have made a mini motto for me) and I hope you can take help from it. ' Just like every math problem has a solution, just like how you can find every x and y and z, you can find the solution to other problems too'
This is because I know how hard solving those problem can be. It takes hours trying to understand a math problem, but the good thing is, it is never left unsolved. At the end of the day, you find the answer. And just like that you can find the answer to other problems too.

And again, I would like to thank you all for reading this book. I have a question, that I am very curious to know. How did you find this book? I would love to hear your answers. ☺️☺️

                                                                  THE END

thelittlestbookelf 💕

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