Chapter Six

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Madison Davenport as Madison! Up there ^ for ppl who uses phones and over there -》 for ppl who uses laptops! Enjoy!

"Ahh!" I yelled in pain. The bright sunlight burned my skin. I just writhed on the floor, not doing anything.

"Devil Girl!" Jaden threw his blanket and put it on top of me. I crawled to the darkest shadow, where I regenerated my bruised skin with darkness. I sighed in relief as it faded away with the dark. I took the blanket and put it on as a cloak with a hood. I went out of the shadows and went to the nearest dresser. I put on a big sunhat, long gloves and stocking. I then took off the blanket.

"You okay?" Jaden asked, worried. I nodded.

"Now I am." I said. I scowled at the sun. "You should go. Your family is probably really worried." I said. I carved a lightning sign as a portal to go back to his world. "Go." I said when I was done.

"You sure you'd be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just go." Jaden nodded and touched the lightning. He got sucked into it and into his world.

Alone at last.

I thought of that too soon. A white light flashed in front of my face, making me stumble back a little. I only know only one person who could do that.

"Father?" I said, bewildered. What is he doing here?

"Daughter." He casually greeted. I scowled.

"What do you want." I demanded. He waved his hands and a man with sandy blonde hair and a tan - ish skin appeared in a flash.

"Madison. Meet Apollo. He's going to take care of you today." He pointed to him. He waved. I forgot every week, he sends a god to take care of me. I say it's pointless.

"Ah, you're Madison. I heard you many times from your father." He said. I kept my face neutral.

"Apollo. God of music, brother of Artemis wasn't it?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Now, since you guys know each other, I'll be off. Good bye Apollo," father bowed, "and goodbye, Madison." He then turned into a puff of smoke. Apollo then grinned and cracked his knuckles.

"Talk about your father. How's life?" He asked, casually. I shrugged.

"Fine, I guess. I bit boring now, though." I said, disappointed.

"I totally understand. Zeus has banned me from using my powers! I can't shoot any arrows." He complained. I'm already starting to warm up to this god. At least father has some taste now.

"I'm trapped here, but I don't mind. I got the spirits of the dead to talk to." I said. He scowled.

"You sound like Hades." He said. I shrugged.

"I can't help it. I am the devil anyway." I said.

"Good point." He said. He summoned a harp and started strumming.

"I thought you said Zeus banned you from using your powers." I said.

"Music is my specialty. I'm called god of music for a reason, no?" I nodded. "Zeus can't ban my specialty. It's an ancient rule." He explained. "What's your specialty?" He asked.

Good question. What is my specialty? I mean, turning to darkness and all is special, but Hades probably have those powers too.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess my specialty is evil and hell." I said. He frowned.

"You don't know your specialty?" I nodded. "Well. I guess we'll need to find out!"

"Wait what? Why?" Apollo rolled his eyes.

"It's Christmas! You can't forget about it." He said. I scowled. I hate Christmas. It's father's birthday.

"I wish I could." I muttered. Apollo sighed.

"C'mon." He said. He whistled and a sleek red Ferrari came. It's blazing. It looks so amazing. I whistled.

"Not too shabby Apollo." I said. He grinned.

"I need to lift the sun higher. It's frozen like that forever." He said. I suddenly froze. I can't.

"No. I can't." I said. He frowned.

"What do you mean you can't?" I sighed.

"Sunlight burns me. That's why I'm wearing thus big hat and stuff." I explained. He made an O with his mouth.

"How do you regenerate?" He asks.

"Shadows. The darker and bigger, the faster I could regenerate." I replied. He grinned, and took out a gold coin. A Drachma. He showered water and mist appeared. He tossed the coin.

"Isis. Accept my token and show me Lord Hades." He said to the mist. The mist seemed to ripple, and the mist turned green. I saw Hades on his throne made out of bones and skulls. His presence would make me feel fear, but I don't get scared. Fear is a stranger for me.

"Oh. Hello Apollo." Hades greeted. Apollo just bobbed his head.

"I need your help." He said, straight away. Hades groaned.

"No welcome? And you're pulling a lot of- oh, hey Madison. How is your little hell place?" He asked.

"It's fine. How's the Underworld? No Titans breaking out of Tartarus?" I asked. He nodded.

"Nope. Not a Titan. Even Akhlys isn't fighting to get free." He said. Akhlys, the goddess of misery isn't trying to be free? Unusual. But I made a smile anyway. Before I was going to say something, Apollo cut me off.

"Whatever, Hades. I just need a small favour." He said.

"depends. What is it?"

"Madison and I are going to a ride to find her specialty, but since she burns in the sun, she needs a really dark shadow so she won't get hurt." Apollo said.

"Didn't her father said that he wants to- right. Of course. Sure." He waved his hand. Nothing happened.

"Thanks..." Apollo trailed off. I then clapped my hands and rubbed it.

"Okay. Thanks for your help I guess, so yeah." I waved the mist away, and the mist disappeared.

"I hope Hades did something. Let's go." Apollo grabbed his keys as I hesitantly got into the car.

Instantly, the seats burned my calf. But in a split second, I felt cold. A shadow. It's so dark I felt like I could do anything.

"Guess Hades' magic worked. Now let's ride!" Apollo whooped. He turned on the engine and drove the Ferrari to the sky.

End of Chapter Six

Well, it's really late... It's like, 2 am. I guess it's December 26, but I'll just pretend it's still the 25th. Well, happy really late Christmas!


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