Chapter Three

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To explain his face, I'll just say I laughed. And cold air blew. His face was dumbfounded and priceless. His mouth was open and his eyes were bulging in shock. I wiped a tear.

"Hilarious expression there, Jaden." I commented. He snapped out of confusion and closed his mouth. I'm surprised a fly hasn't gone inside yet.

"Since when you laughed?" He said, attempting to change the subject. Now that I think about it, I never laughed, at least, a real laugh. Ever.

"I don't think I have. I've done a cold laugh before. Does that count?" I shrugged. He hummed.

"Nah. I don't know if I'm supposed to be grateful or scared to make the devil laugh." He wondered aloud. I shook my head.

"I guess both. I am living in the wrong generation anyway. If I'm a mortal like you, I think I should've died at least 2 millenia ago." I looked at the sky. It's turning to dusk soon.

"I should go." Jaden said. I nodded.

"You come back here tomorrow, right?" I asked, almost hopefully, not that I am. He nodded nervously.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. I made a cold smile.

"Good. Meet me near the gutter. See you tomorrow, and you will." I said, then turned myself to a puff of smoke. I flew up to my little room, leaving Jaden by himself.


When I reached my room (which is just a black and red checkered queen sized bed and a mirror table with a small bookshelf in an abandoned building), I threw myself to the bed, the dust flying everywhere. I picked up an old book lying in the bookshelf. I dusted away the remains and opened it.

Day one,

Life is horrible. People are dying, and things are disappearing. Unknown creatures chew metal like cars, manholes, etc. And people say they've witnessed a shadow of a girl with a red dress, though no one is there.

I've been researching about everyone, everything. The closest I got is the that town I live is haunted. That's physically impossible. I don't believe in magic. There must be science behind everything. It's the only logical thing. Science.

I don't believe in magic, but I believe everything here has magic. I think I'm seeing fear itself. Life is scarce here. Barely anyone is alive, and anytime soon, I'll reach my end. Let Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge, guide me for answers.

It's a journal of a scientist, duh. This him/her doesn't believe in magic, though it's not exactly magic. I put the book back in the shelf, and went to sleep.


Morning. Damn, why did I go to sleep? The morning sun burns me. I rolled out of bed before the light touch me. I went downstairs and went to the closet. I rummaged inside to find a big hat and  a pair of thigh high stocking. I quickly put them on a took an umbrella. I need to go to the gutter without getting burnt, but it's far away. I have to go through the sewers. There is only one gutter in town, which is attached to the oldest building here.

I got out the creaky, wooden door and went down the nearest manhole there is.

I forgot how this place reeks. I pinched my nose and breathe through my mouth. Rats and insects were nearby, scattering away as I walk past. I'm the the ruler of this town, and these animals know it.

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