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- renjun pov

I woke up by a loud scream coming from the kitchen.

I groaned and make my way to the scene and was met by a chaos. jeno was trying to help chenle makes ramen for them, but jeno accidentally pour a lot of seasonings into it. and jisung is now scolding jeno while chenle is trying to fix it so it could be edible again.

I shook my head and sit on a stool beside the counter. looking at them, I could make out that jaemin is not in the dorm.

then, I heard the door open revealing the latter.

he look at the chaos and shook his head and put a bag on the table.

"what is this?" I ask him. he look at me.

"cakes. you guys need energy to start a new day." he answers. i raise an eyebrow.

"you buy it?" ask me. he shook his head again. "no, mirae-noona's treat." he says making those kids in the kitchen look at him.

"mirae-noona? who's that?" ask jisung.

"oh, mirae-noona. the 'angel'." say jeno making him blush.

heh. busted.

"ooh~ jaemin-hyung wake up early to see his crush. so cute~" chenle's turn.

"no, I'm not. I just happen to wake up early and have a crave for coffee. that's it. now, may I go back to my room and prepare for class later?" he says as he make his way out of these chaos.

I just laugh at his reaction and look back at them.

"guys, just eat the cakes and get ready for class." I walk to my room and get ready for class later.

today's schedule is not pack, but I don't have any class with the boys except vocal class with haechan, chenle and jisung.

wait, I have art today. that means, I need to see that yura girl.


why did she need to be there yesterday? but, it's better than her twin sister. you know, that yuri, jisung's so called troublemaker. I heard that she is a very clumsy person.

huh, whatever. just live your life, renjun-ah.

vocal class ended and it's time for art.

sighing for the nth time, I walk into the room and sit on my usual place. waiting for the professor, I scroll through my weibo.

then, I feel like someone is seating beside me, but we were separated by a stair. if you know what I mean.

I just ignored the presence and continue what I was doing. after a while, the professor came in. I look up to him and put down my phone.

the class started and went normally. not until he told us about the next assignment.

"so, for the next assignment, we will be working with the digital art class. so, you guys need to make a group of four. two from this class, and another two from the other. no exception, understand?" he announce making some of them grunt.

"yes~" were coming from us despise them hating about the grouping, and the professor nod. and class dismissed.

I usually am one of those who get off early. but, his announcement is holding me back today.

he always give a individual assignment. now, I'm messed up. i don't know anyone in this college except those brats and their stories.

by the time, the class is already empty and I finally start to pack my stuff, ready to went for lunch.

''excuse me,.. renjun-ssi,..." a voice coming from the seat beside me. I look towards the owner of the voice and cock an eyebrow. that girl.

"yura as I remember." I say coldly making her gulped.

"what do you want?" I ask her, continue packing my stuffs.

"err, sorry. but, for the next assignment,.. can I be your partner?" she asks making me look back at her.

"why? do you think because you know my secret, you can be my partner?" she cut me off. stopping me from whatever I was doing.


"then why? there's a lot of person in this class, why are you asking me." I say.

"that's the reason. everyone already have their group. there's only you and me left." she says. I sling my bag on my shoulder, and a "do whatever you want" was said.

I try to walk away but she hold my arm. I look t her hand.

heck, it's the first time a girl dare to touch me. usually, even a glance they wouldn't ever dare to make.

she look at her hand and take away her hand muttering a sorry.

"is that a yes or no?" she asks me. I look at her.

"don't expect me to say anything during discussion." I say as I walk off to our usual lunch spot.

- yura pov

is that a yes?

yes it is!!!!! he agreed to be my partner!!

as for the other two from the other class, it's nothing. I have xiaojun and hina, yuri's friend. they already know about the assignment and agreed about me being a part of the group.

and about renjun, I need to convince them about him. they are very noisy and I need to warn them the first step, since renjun seems like a quiet person.

and talking about renjun, I'm going to abort with my 'reveal renjun' mission.


I'm going to show others who he is, the real renjun. the never have been a bad boy and the true good side.

the angel disguised as the international bad boy.

stay tune, you panda.

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