
113 9 7

- renjun pov

"okay, class dismiss." says the teacher.

all the students packed their stuffs and went out of the room, including me. I walked out alone, since I'm the only one that takes art in my circles of friend.

there's also other reasons why I'm alone. one of it was me being a cold person I am. what do they call it?

the bad boy?

haha, I don't get it. why am I labelled as bad boy when i, myself has never touch a girl, a cigarette, or even worse a bully.

I just live as a normal person with my motto, 'live it like it's mine, let others do what they want until they are tired of it'.

wasn't that cool? it should be a quote.

I walk to my locker, putting my unneeded stuffs and took out my journal.

closing the door and lock it, I walk to the field beside the building. from afar, I could hear a loud, high pitched, dolphin laugh from the bench near the field. then heard a loud groan shouting the dolphin name.

chenle is messing with jisung, again. I just shook my head and went to them. on the bench, there seated my best friends with foods on the table. I took a seat beside jeno.

"hey, injun. how was your class?" say jeno. I took the food from his hand.

"what the-"

"fine. no friends, no acquaintance, another things to learn, another project without partner, ano-"

"okay, I'm sorry for asking, injun."

"you should be." I say, continue eating. when the silence almost took over all of us, haechan save it from happening by asking, "anything interesting happen today, guys?".

"oh! oh! jaemin is whipped with the cafe noona." jeno say and was cut off by jaemin himself by punching jeno's arm.

"really??!!" chenle and haechan, being the noisiest person they are. jeno nodded while his mouth was covered by jaemin's hand, wanting to talk making it turn into muffles.

"wah! jaemin finally found his angel!" jisung says.

jaemin blushed at their words, thy cooed at his reaction. I chuckled slightly.

"how about you guys, chenle, jisung?" haechan ask the two younger.

"hani ask me if I want to go to cinema with her this Friday." chenle says slightly turning red at his own words. it's our turn to tease him. chenle shrugged us off by asking jisung.

"how about you, park?"

"nothing, just some troubles from our troublemaker." jisung says. troublemaker that he was talking was a junior from his dance class. she's a great dancer, but we don't know why jisung hates her. maybe he thinks that she is his rival.

"how about you, renjun-hyung?" jisung ask me. I shook my head.

"good, no troublemaker is messing with me." I answer shortly.

"aye,... no way. no girl swooning over you?" jaemin ask me doubting from what I just told them.

"I'm not a player, lover boy." I answer him. he pout his mouth and turn to jeno.

"jeno, look. he's calling me names." jaemin whine at the poor jeno. jeno pat his head softly.

"he's joking, nana. don't be offended." jeno says comfortingly.

"hyung, why do you never talk about girl with us, though?" chenle says then gasped. "no way, hyung! are you by any chance?"

"I what?"



"are you,..."

"am I what?"


"just tell me now chenle. before I cut your throat so that you can't ever talk for the rest of your life."

"wouldn't he be dead by then?" jisung asked.

"yah! show some respect, can't you? I'm talking to renjun-hyung, can't you see?" shot chenle making jisung hung his head low muttering a slow sorry.

"okay, back to the question earlier. tell me, hyung. honestly." says chenle. renjun nodded his head upon hearing what the younger said

"hyung, are you by any chance, you're not interested in any relationship?" he asks me as soon as I nodded just now.

I just shrugged of my shoulders. telling them that I don't know about my situation.

"aye,... you must have someone in your mind, right?" jaemin says and I shot him a glare.

"or,... hyung, do you want me to set you to a blind date?" chenle being chenle.

"no thanks." I answer shortly, not interested.

the conversation stop there as it's time for us to went to our next class.

well, not us. them.

mine is finished for the day. so I went back to our dorm.

as I walk to the college dorm, something caught my eye.

a new store?

I change my direction towards the store and I walk into it.

so many plushies. nana will like it.

I roam around until I stopped in front of something that I've been looking for a long time.

moomin stuffs.

I took a sheet of moomin printed letter. my lips were curled up which i didn't realize until I heard a banging echoes on my right ears.

I turn towards the direction and my heart stopped beating. my eyes widen by the view in front of me.

there stood a girl wearing a pink hoodie and an apron on it, blue jeans, a pair of black sneakers, pitch black wavy hair tied into a ponytail, a pair of square glasses and and boxes stacked in front of her.

"y-you,.. s-smile,.. r-ren-j-jun,.." she stuttered. her eyes widen and mouth agape. my face was flushed.

I look at her intensely making her hang her head low. no sounds were coming from us.

I walk to her slowly, nearing her, she reflectively walk backward until her back was met with a wall. I pinned her with my hands placed beside her head.

"who are you?" was what came out from my mouth.

head still hanging low, she answered stuttered. "m-min yura, f-from your art class."

"what did you saw just now?" I asked her coldly. it's my first time talking to a girl other than my family.

"i-i saw n-nothing."

"lying!" I raise my voice. I sigh.

"answer me honestly, dear. what did you saw?" I ask calmer than before.

"y-you, r-renjun, the bad boy, was smiling while looking at the moomin printed letter." she answered. I sigh again.

"yah! look at me." I say sternly. she bring her head up slowly. not making eye contact.

"what did I say just now?" I ask making her look at me.

"this is between you and me. if anyone find out about this, you're the first person I'll get." I warned her.

"do you get it?" I ask and she nodded her head.

with that, I walk out of the store, towards our dorm. cannot stop thinking about what had just happen.

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