"Give me a few minutes to feed your sister, okay?"

Nodding, Luna climbs onto the couch and sits beside me as I hold MJ.

Luna absolutely adores MJ. From the second she was born, Luna has done everything she could possibly do at her age to protect her sister. I'm just glad she wasn't upset that there was going to be another sibling in the house.

I stare down at MJ as Luna gently runs her fingers through the dark growing curls on her head.

MJ honestly looks like a mix of Harry and I and once I noticed, it started to creep me out. She has a lot of my features like my lips and hair and face shape, but she has Harry's nose and eyes and if you compare his baby pictures with hers, you can see him in her smile.

Also, MJ is a Mama's girl, so that's a win.

My phone chimes with our security app, notifying me Harry had just gotten back from the studio. I grin and press 'ok' before turning to Luna.

"Guess who's home."

Immediately Luna perks up.

A few seconds later, Harry comes walking through the front door with the most mischievous look on his face I had ever seen. Last time I saw that face, MJ was conceived.

"Daddy!" Luna squeals as she runs toward him.

"Hi, darling." Harry greets her, placing his hand on Luna's back as she grips his pant leg.

He didn't close the door.

Dear God.

"Welcome back." I cautiously say as I reposition MJ and pull my shirt back up.

"You look very radiant today. New moisturizer?" He crookedly smiles as he leans down to kiss MJ on the cheek.

"Used yours." I reply before he kisses me on the lips with a grin.

"I missed you guys. What did you guys do while I was gone?"

"I booked a caterer, Luna finished the Goldfish you bought and MJ enjoyed a very nice nap. What the hell are you grinning for?"

"Have I ever mentioned how pretty you are?"

"You tell me every morning when you roll over in bed, what did you do?"

"You love me, don't you?"

"To an extent," I pause. "Now what did you do?"

"Promise you won't be mad?" Harry asks as he holds his hands behind his back.

"I'll promise I won't kill you." I tell him with a smile.

With a nervous look on his face, Harry turns toward the door.

"Mitch? Sarah?" He calls.

Moments after, Mitch enters with Sarah in tow. In Sarah's arms is a small bundle of light brown fur.

It's moving.

Why is it moving?

As they get closer, I realize it's a dog.

Luna is already freaking out, gasping and reaching up to pet it. Harry lifts her up so she can gently run her fingers through the fur. It looks pretty soft.

I stand up, MJ half asleep in my arms as I approach Sarah.

"You guys got a dog?" I ask as I run my fingers over the fur.

It is really soft, wow.

Sarah and Mitch share a look before turning to Harry.

"Not them." Harry timidly says as he smiles sheepishly.

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