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Terms to know in Sam's language (Skilk)

Fye - Master or Masters

Jjhie - Mother/The Psykie who gave birth

Drahie - Father

Dra - Equivalent of 'Dada' 'Dad' 'Da' or 'daddy'

Jiji - Equivalent of 'Mama' 'Mom' 'Ma' or 'mommy'

Bonshigakin - a type of rare creature on Velkien. They are regarded as gods or spirits and rarely seen. Those who touch them are supposedly given a divine gift. These creatures possess similar intellect to that of Psykies, but simply avoid them. They're so good at this that Psykies honestly know little to nothing about them. So instead they fear them.

Ginphi Fruit - a large round green fruit similar to oranges but two times the size.

In this story, human pronouns will be used for simplicity sake and understanding but please remember that Psykies can be either.

Trigger warning: Young kid gets hurt real bad.

The boy stands. Still. The only sound is the far away bustle of the village they live in. He's only lived here for a short time, but that short time is still all his life.

He watches. The creature.

It watches him in turn.

He takes a step forward.



The beast moves not.



The creature was bigger than he'd imagined. Larger than him. Twice the size.

No, four times.

"Hello, Fye." He tells the beast.

The beast of course, does not answer.

"Who are you?" The boy asks.

"I am God." The child pretends to reply.

The boy shifts on his feet, staring at the ground. "Fye, may I come closer? May I pet you?"

The boy again, fakes a reply of "of course." Before they step forward. He holds his hand out to the creature, who sniffs it for a moment before pressing against it.

It's very soft. Softer than even the child expected. "Thank you, Fye." The boy smiles at the creature. "Do you play games?" He picks up a Ginphi fruit that has fallen from the bush. "Get!" He shouts, tossing it a short distance.

The creature happily retrieves it, but doesn't return it. "Hey Wait give that back!" The child chases after the creature for a long while until it stops in a clearing.

It's only now the child realises his mistake. Now he is lost deep in the woods. He cries.

The creature stares at him confused, padding over and nudging him with its snout. It bends down motions for the child to get on. The sniffling boy climbs upon its back.

It takes off, running deeper and deeper into the forests.

After a long while of nothing but greenery, it stops.

It's without warning and the child nearly falls off. He grips its fur tight.
In Desperation.

"Fye, are we home yet?" The beast just lets out an annoyed grunt, and the child sees the others around it.

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