Classes and Appearances

Start from the beginning

"Bunny why do you always wear your mask?" I just freeze as I put it into the microwave. "I just am not comfortable with people seeing my face, a habit I guess" the girls look at each other "Well I mean you are our teacher so it's not like we are against you" I chuckle. "Can you show just us for a minute we won't tell a soul" Mina's eyes light up and Ochaco then looks at her and follows her lead. Both are leaning against me with puppy eyes pleading I just try to keep my wits having both girls leaning into me with their b-b-boo- The microwave goes off just in time and I rush to it grabbing the food and making my escape hearing them call after me. I hop into my room shutting the door, my heart beating heavily as I fall back, tossing my helmet off. I then notice I have no utensils and sigh.

Then the next day I have my lesson with class 1-B and later training with Todoroki. I walk into the class 1-B class and notice them all staring at me hesitantly and Vlad just joining them. I can just feel the pressure in the room so I try to cut through it. "Hello class I am Bunny and I am here to help you figure out what kind of a hero you want to be" most in the class relax and then a student named Monama jumps up. "HA I bet you think we aren't as capable as the class 1-A losers so you're trying to find us a place in the background" some in the class agree but most just sigh. I stare at him for a moment then turn to Vlad who hasn't changed realizing that it's probably his fault that Monama is like this.

"Monama right?" he nods triumphantly as if he's pleased I know his name "I didn't say any of that but if I had to say in terms of quirks your class has more useful powers" the whole room freezes. "EHHHHH?" the class and Vlad say together "Yes lets take Monama as an example since he wishes to speak out, you can re enforce any situation copy a rescue heroes quirk to assist in rescues or copy a powerful quirk to assist in fighting however your only block is knowing the best way to use your copied power am I right?" I gesture to Monama to respond.

He just looks baffled and thinks for a moment then nods and sits down. I look at Vlad who is darting his eyes between me and the class. "Now I know that class 1-A has had a lot more spotlight then you all but none of their spotlight matters in the long run you aren't here for fame you're here to learn to be a hero so lets do so" the class just nods and some look determined and others still baffled. I then run the rest of the class in pretty much the same way as 1-A's lesson.

The class ends and I go to leave but I am stopped by multiple students asking me to assess their quirks and what they should work on. I look again to Vlad who was looking at me but huffs and looks away. I spend another 5-10 minutes helping some students and surprisingly Monama comes up to me. "You really think our class is better than the los- than class 1-A?" I just grin it seems that he has just been down on himself. "Monama you all can be great heroes it's not how strong you are it's what you do with that strength that's important" I then turn and leave thinking that for my first time teaching it went pretty amazing.

At the end of the day I go to gym gamma to meet with Todoroki. As I get there I open the door and see him sitting against the wall. He looks up and smiles slightly surprising me and walks over "Hello Bunny thank you for coming" I nod. "No need helping you is better than doing nothing" he nods "So what would you like to work on?" he looks at his hands. "I want to find some more uses for my fire and ice but it's proving to be impossible for me to figure out" I nod and think for a moment. "Can you show me what you have so far?" he nods and goes to the middle of the room and then freezes the floor of the gym in a large stomp after he shoots a stream of flames which melts the ice. "Ahhhh I see the problem" he looks back shocked and I step forward. "Have you ever thought about manipulating your ice or fire in a different way?" he tilts his head.

"What do you mean?" "Well most fire or ice quirk users are able to manipulate their abilities in a certain way sorry about this but your father is able to condense his flames for his super moves releasing that energy in different ways" "You mean like his flashfire fist, hell fire, and prominence burn?" "Yes just like that see if I am right about your quirk you should be able to not only condense your flames but also your ice and most ice quirks can manipulate the shape of their ice in complex ways maybe try to do that with your flames like make a wall or dome of flames"

Todoroki just looks deep in thought and then nods. I step back and watch as he focuses hard then releasing in a burst the flash freezes everything including me. He then breathes heavily and seems that charge ups take a bit out of him I think, shivering while covered in at least 2 inches of ice. He then turns noticing me jogging over using his left to thaw me out and I fall to the ground finding it hard to breath seeing as I was just trapped without air for almost a minute. He drags me against the wall and looks me over then to my helmet.

Then he says "Sorry Bunny but I have to" he unbuckles my helmet and pulls it off. I feel a rush of air as my helmet comes off and I start to panic. "Whoa wait, you really are a teen like us, I had thought since seeing part of your face in Hosu but to think its true-" I cut him off grabbing him roughly. "You are seeing nothing got it? Nothing" I say nervously and try to mask it with a threatening tone. He just nods "No need to worry Bunny you have helped me more than once so I owe you" I sigh and sit back breathing. "Can I ask you who you are?" I just snorted for a second "Really you expose my face after I help you and now you want me to expose my name?" he frowns and looks down.

"Ugh fuck it its to late anyways Izuku Midoriya and surprise I am 16" Todoroki just nods and holds out a hand as he stands up "Well Midoriya my name is Shoto Todoroki nice to meet you" I look up. "Just Izuku is fine Bunny in public" I take his hand as he helps me up "Then you can call me Shoto Izuku'' I smile. "Guess we are friends now huh?" Shoto nods "I'd like that I haven't had many friends and thank you if you are alright I am going to head back now that I know what to work on thank you" I sigh and grab my helmet. "Sure thing it's no problem" he nods and leaves and I stay for a minute to compose the panic I had been hiding and sit back as I see him leave.

After about 10-20 minutes the door opens to show Aizawa and Shinsou walking in and both look at me confused and stunned. "Oh yeah today is Thursday huh your personal training day I'll go" I get up and start walking towards them and the door. "Not a word of this Bunny" Aizawa just says lowly as Shinsou looks between us a little nervous. "Wouldn't dream of it and I had known since it started so" I say as I turn back to them passing through the doors "Keep working" I deadpan trying to imitate Aizawa and go not listening to his sigh of annoyance.


Greetings Readers

I liked this chapter because it showed Izuku's interaction with the students and those will be important later on trust me but yeah I hope you liked it please comment and vote

See you next chapter

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