Chapter V

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How Bittersweet; the Taste

Chapter 5

Zayn slowly pulled up to the driveway, parking securely because he was on a hill.

“What a nice condo.” Louis remarked, admiring the building before him.

“Alright,” Zayn said, taking his seat-belt of, “Out.” he spoke bluntly, but childishly.

Harry literally rolled onto the concrete. “Whee!”

Niall laughed, “That looks fun! Me next!” He rolled off of the back seat to the hard concrete. “Whee!”

Louis opened the car door for the front seat and felt it slam into something. He looked down and saw Niall's back.

“Ow.” Niall said, laughing, “Bastard! That really hurt!”

“Then why are you laughing?” Zayn asked, getting out from the other side.

“I don't know...” Niall said.

“You should know by now, Zayn,” Liam said, getting out, too, “You never ask questions with Niall.”

Zayn nodded. “How true.”

“I wanna knock on the door!” Harry said, starting up and dashing for it.

“Oh no you didn't!” Louis said, chasing after him, “Move, Hazza!”

Niall chased after them for the hell of it.

Zayn and Louis chased them, too, just because they wanted to.

Louis knocked loudly on the door, sticking his tongue out at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and pouted.

“Who is it?” A voice sang on the other side.

“Guess!” Niall shouted.

“Hmm...Is it...Five of the most adorable boys I've ever met?” the voice asked, giggling cutely.

Maybe...” Louis said.

“Oh? Well in that case...” They heard a lock jingle and the tumblers turn. Soon Louis was face to face with Claire, “Come in! Come in!” She opened the door wide and walked right into her living area, the boys following in. “You don't have to take your shoes off,” Claire informed, “Just make sure they're clean. I will ask that when we go upstairs you do, though, because that's all carpet...besides the two bathrooms.”

“Why does one person who lives alone have two bathrooms?” Niall asked.

“I have four actually...” Claire said, “Two on this floor, and two upstairs.” She laughed, “And since I get lonely I tend to have guests over a lot.”

All of the furniture was either red or white (to match the pure white walls), and there was a large window that let so much light into the living room and overlooked some of the town. It was probably beautiful at night, all the lights and stuff...and the water in the background...and there was a white, grand piano.

Zayn had stopped listening after Claire had said carpet. He was too busy staring at her. She was wearing a flowy tank top and really short shorts. Her hair was just down and simple, but parted on the side perfectly. She was talking on and on about something, so maybe he should listen...

“...and then there's my dog, Muffin. Muffin!” She called into a little corridor just off the living room.

There were sounds of paws hitting the floor as a huge dog came into the living room. It was a Husky with a bright red collar that had a golden, muffin-shaped tag on it. The dog was clearly male, and he sat down obediently at the foot of his master.

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