Chapter II

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How Bittersweet; the Taste

Zayn sighed as Niall and Louis dragged him into the doors of Simon Cowell's office.

The Harry and Liam were waiting there, and they looked pretty excited.

Zayn on the other hand was about as excited as a little boy in a romantic chick flick.

“Boys,” Simon said as they were all in, “Liam says you have a proposal for me?”

“Well, partially for you, partially for someone else.” Niall explained, “But, I think it's an idea everybody's fond of!”

Almost everybody.” Louis reminded, jerking his head toward Zayn's direction.

“Well, everybody agreed to it.” Niall corrected, “But anyway, Louis and I were doing some talking day before yesterday about collaborating with Claire Eastwood.”

Simon raised his eyebrows. “Really? What gave you the idea?”

“She was on Chatty Man with Alan Carr yesterday, and she said that if she were to collab with any artist signed to Syco, it would be us.” Harry explained further, “She said that we're five cute guys in one band and we sing like angels.”

“You do sing like angels.” Simon confirmed.

“Yeah; but she said it!” Louis said, smiling.

“We'd really like to make a single with her because she has an amazing voice, it would really be a good look, and...hell, she's awesome!” Liam agreed.

“Everyone's speaking but you, Zayn.” Simon noticed, “Your thoughts?”

Zayn shrugged. “I don't care.”

Simon raised an eyebrow. “Do you not?”

Everyone was staring at Zayn now, four sets of five of the eyes knowing what was coming.

“I...I'm just not that big a fan...but it's selfish of me to hold them all back, so I agreed to do it.”

“Ah.” Simon said in understanding, “I knew this would come. You guys are in a boy-band, meaning that you work together and make decisions as a group, right?”

Five nods.

“Well; you are also human beings, and there will be times when you don't agree. As you know, in that type of situation, there are many things you can do. There are an odd number of you, so you can always say majority rules. But, you are all close friends, and you don't want anyone in the band to be unhappy, truly unhappy, so sometimes you'll just give up. But Zayn, in your case, you don't want to be the burden, so even though you don't fancy Claire, you're going to end up doing the single anyway, because all of them really want to. You will whine and fuss, but you're going to do it. That's just fact.”

“Exactly.” Zayn answered, nodding. “You get it perfectly.”

“Well Zayn,” Harry started, “We don't want to piss you off...but...well...”

“No, Harry,” Zayn said, “I'm a man of my word and my word was yes.”

Harry smiled a bit.

“Thanks, Zayn.” Liam said, “That's really big of you.”

“Well,” Simon interrupted, “Why don't you boys go find Claire and tell her. You have my blessing.”

“Yes!” Niall exclaimed, “Let's go, mates!”

They rushed to Claire's dressing room, the five of them clumsily bumping into people and things.

Niall banged on her door.

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