Part 24: Find Him

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Remi paced the room. Where was Blyke?


Claire stepped into the room, and looked over the red haired boy. He didn't seem too special, but seeing that Volcan had brought him in, he had been causing trouble. 

Claire: Volcan... so he's been causing trouble? 

Volcan: Yes. He's rebelling against us. 

Blyke looked up at them in shock. Sure, he was fighting them, but they were the bad ones! He opened his mouth to protest, when Volcan activated her ability and glared at him. He shut up right then. 

Volcan: I gave him the regular drug to sedate his ability. You can start working on him tomorrow. The last one escaped. 

Claire nodded, and Volcan walked away. She stared at Blyke for a moment. 

He looks like John, minus the black hair...

Blyke: So... what's going to happen to me? Kill me? 

Claire: Why do you think that? I'm not that cruel. I believe second chances exist. I believe people can change.

Blyke: I don't think I need any change. Honestly, it's you guys who need to stop this. Killing people off right then and there... 

Claire blinked. This was news to her. 

Claire: ...what? Are you lying? 

Volcan's voice ringed throughout the room. 

Volcan: Claire come out now, we're sending the sleeping gas. 

Claire curtly nodded and walked out. Lots of people had said the same thing, but she just thought they were lying. But the way he said it, it seemed true...

He had to be lying, right? 


Arlo paced his room. He didn't think that John could be dumber than this... but apparently he could. How the heck didn't he know why Seraphina was ignoring him? He walked to the door and walked back to his bed. Should he tell John...? 

Arlo stood and walked to John's door. If he told this to John, there was a huge possibility that he would go berserk and kill him and himself in the process. But that wasn't a rare possibility anytime. 

Arlo opened the door to find John playing games. 

Arlo: So... John...

John: What?  

Arlo: Are you.... are you... are you dumb?

John just stared at Arlo. He really wasn't feeling it today to deal with Arlo. 

Arlo: Why don't you already have the sense to figure out why Seraphina is ignoring you? 

John: Sorry for having no sense, but I don't know. 

Arlo breathed. He was going to die soon. He was going to die if he told John. 

But it might be worth it. 

Arlo: She knows your Joker business.  

John stopped short. Then he sighed. 

John: I... I suspected this... 

Arlo: Wow, so you were just in denial. John, you can still change this. 

John: How?

John's voice broke. He could only see nothing ahead of him. He could only see Claire. 



Seraphina thanked Isen with the information of Claire. She carefully typed in Claire's number and hovered over the call button. 


Ring ring, ring ring. Ring ring, ring - 

Claire: Hello? 

Seraphina: Hello, this is Seraphina. Is this Claire?

Claire: Yes? Why have you called me? 

Seraphina: I just wanted to ask you some questions about John. 

Claire: ...I've already told you everything! I'm not answering any more questions, I don't want to remember. 

Seraphina: I need your help understanding him. I'm not the authorities, I'm his schoolmate. He's been having some... problems. 

Claire: Didn't he go to some preppy school? Isn't your school filled with high tiers? Isn't there one person who can defeat him? 

Seraphina: He's grown out of hand. 

Claire: I'm telling you... you can't handle him! He's a loose monster no one can contain!

Seraphina: That's why I want to know what happened in your school to make him this way... I need to understand him better. 

Claire: Do you have a lot of time? This might take a while...


(This is just a summary of the episodes of Claire and John, you can skip this)

I had some visions of John, so I helped develop his ability. I saw him able to "mimic" other people's abilities, and I told him. His ability grew little by little, and once, in a fight with others,  he was able to copy the other boy's ability. It was weak, but it was something.  

I kept helping him, and soon, his ability grew so that he was now king. I was happy for him, but this power he had corrupted him. He beat up everyone even after they stopped fighting. He was being brutal. I told him that he was going over the line, but he didn't listen. So I stopped talking to him, and I was replaced. But I wanted him back, not just gone in my life. 

I had one last vision of him. I saw me standing, facing him, with another crowd. I thought it meant we would be able to get to him, and I tried to get to him. I got people who had been beaten by John. I thought with all of us here, we would get to him. He would realize his faults and get some sense. 

But I was wrong. 

The second we met, he said I betrayed him. I didn't get what he was saying, cause he was the one that betrayed us first! But there was no use. Everyone I rallied turned their abilities on, and we had no chance. I remember myself being knocked out, then waking up in the hospital. 


Claire: He's too strong. No one can beat him at this rate. Seraphina, be careful. 

Seraphina nodded. She had suspected that he was just as uncontrollable in his former schooling years, but she didn't know what to do anymore. 

Claire: I'm right now in an organization that makes sure no high tiers run rampant like John. I really hope no one has to go through this. 

Seraphina: I hope you settle down the high tiers there. 

Claire: Yeah, I hope so too. Call me if you have any updates! 

Their call ended, and Seraphina looked at her phone and scrolled down in her contacts till she found who she was looking for. 



Ok, hi guys! Yeah, this chapter was a little sucky, but luckily, I'm still updating! I'll try to write better chapters and update more often! 

Seraphina now knows that she's in an "organization"... but so far she doesn't suspect anything!

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