X-Rei and Beamshot: Part 22

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Blyke turned around, who had just been on his way to the cafeteria. 

Blyke: Remi? Yes, what is it? 

Remi glared at  him for a moment, considering her choices. She could move on as if it never happened, or she could confront him. 

Today she felt like confronting him.

Remi: So... the name Beamshot ring a bell?

Blyke's face immediately was filled  with conflicted feelings for a second. He quickly composed himself and looked at Remi. 

Blyke: Hmm... I dunno!

Remi rolled her eyes.

Remi: Blyke, I can't be mad thinking that I started this whole X-Rei thing. It's okay to tell me the truth. 

Blyke: I... first tell me how you found out. 

Remi raised an eyebrow.

Remi: So you are beamshot! 

Blyke, flustered at his failed attempts tried to deny, when he realized he already exposed himself. 

Blyke: Remi... you may be my friend and you may be stronger than me too. But you can't stop me from doing this. 

Remi: I'm not going to stop you. But together, we'll be stronger.

Blyke: Wait... so....

Remi: Blyke lets work together. We'll look out for each others backs. We will defeat EMBER. 


Both Remi and Blyke together, dressed in black looked at each other. 

Remi: So, we gotta look for EMBER's headquarters. We're gonna call Volcan again, getting the amped guy to call her. I'll just stun her and you immobilize her. We're then going to track her back to her headquarters. 

Blyke: But... what if they don't have a headquarters?

Remi: Lets worry about that later. 

Once again, the two easily took down a man named Timothy, with an ability level of 4.1 . Once again they called Volcan...


Remi: Volcan. Once again -

Volcan: Your little antics don't fool me. I won't be coming for your petty calls. I'll just find you myself and kill you. On my terms. 

Remi: I'm giving you the chance to kill me right now! Just come over. I'll make it an easy 1-1 fight. 

Volcan: ...Only this time. And I know that this will be the last time where you dare summon me. 


Remi: So... she's coming.  Lets see what the fight will be like this time. 

They waited for a while when a black hooded person approached her. But this time, her hair was a silvery white. Her eyes gleamed blue. 


The girl wasn't wasting any time. She slammed her fist into Remi. 

This isn't Volcan!

Remi's face felt ice cold and frostbitten at the same time. This most definitely wasn't Volcan. But she felt the same raw power and anger from the girl. Remi lashed out some electricity, and the girl was stunned. 

She's not too versatile...

Remi dashed forward and lunged at the girl's face. She created a shield of ice just in time. Remi paused, analyzing the girl. 

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