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"...Nooroo, Wings Rise."

A flash of light shone in the room that they were in, prompting Tim to cover his eyes with an arm. Marinette simply watched with a raised brow, as a few seconds passed and everything soon died down.

What now stood in Damian's place was a figure dressed in dark attire. Their, his, costume resembled that of Robin's, except it was completely purple and lacked the signature 'R'. There was a brooch pinned to the left of his chest instead.

A cloak - ash grey on the inside and a deep shade of violet on the other - was draped over his shoulders, and kept secured at his collar bone. Stemming down from that was column of shining graphite buttons, all shaped as rectangles.

His arms, legs and neck were a jet black, matching his onyx locks of hair. Butterfly clips sat nestled within the confines of his shoe-laces, on boots that were silver only at the soles.

The man brought up gloved hands to press against his face, where a flat mask was stuck. The lights overhead made it glimmer at just the right angle.

Tim snorted from where he was. "Nice costume, Mr Butterfly."

"At least mine is optimal for stealth, Drake."

Tim looked down at his outfit, that had morphed onto his body after he had called out his command quietly. "...Fair enough."

Marinette clapped her hands with enthusiasm. "Okay, guys! What will your names be?"

"Names?" Damian repeated in a questioning manner, and at her nod carried on, "Can they not remain the same?"

"Don't be such a party-pooper, Dami!" she exclaimed, not being able to fight off the pout that formed on her lips. "Besides, neither of you are dragons or butterflies as Robin and Red Robin."

"Well, my surname does mean dragon in a different language, so..." Tim piped up, before trailing off. "Maybe I can be called Drake."

The woman there face-palmed. "The Gotham press already has rumours of you having a crush on Tim Drake, since you always defend anyone talking bad about him. That name'll just confirm it."

He grimaced in understanding. "Then what about-"

"These colours look like that of the purple emperor," Damian interrupted him with, whilst gesturing to his own attire. "A species of butterfly."

"So...that's going to be your name?"

He stiffly nodded.

"Don't you wanna spice it up?" Marinette quizzed. "'Empereur Pourpre' sounds cool if you ask me."

Tim snorted. "Guess I can't be 'Crimson Dragon' if you're that. I don't want to be called a copycat or anything for using 'pourpre' too."

Damian scoffed, retorting, "You already are as Red Robin."

"Excuse me, but if I remember correctly-"

Marinette stopped the oncoming argument with a stern, "Guys, stop." She eyed them carefully before deciding, "Okay, Dami you'll be 'Empereur Pourpre', and Tim you'll be 'Crimson Dragon'."

The duo opened their mouths to speak, yet both halted in the attempt when catching a glimpse of her expression. She smiled at their silence, then asked, "Can we start the training?"

The youngest male mumbled an agreement. "Yes. Where will we acquire a butterfly?"

"Here," she responded noncommittaly, going up to a nearby windowsill. A white-winged insect landed on the surface of her finger, and she transported it back to them with a gentle smile.

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