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There was no noise. Only complete silence, where the vigilantes all regarded each other with cautious looks. Marinette's bluebell eyes shimmered as she stared at Red Hood's frozen form at the opposite side of the café.

Batman squinted beneath his cowl, studying Multifox's costume intently. He noted how it now had orange accents, rather than the bright pink that his sons had informed him of her having instead.

Nightwing took a step forward, however the action prompted Marinette to instinctually move backwards a small length in return. She scanned around for an exit, her head tilting all ways to aid her search.

Seeing this, Jason called out, "Wait! Mous-"

"Multifox," she interrupted, and at their puzzled faces elaborated with, "It's Multimouse in the original suit."

"Right," Red Hood acknowledged.

More silence thickened the air, until the faint sounds of sirens could be heard in the distance. Everyone faced the windows, where police cars were driving towards the pavement in front of the café.

Multifox turned to the exit of the building, though she all of a sudden noticed that the heroes were all bunched together and blocking it with their bodies.

"I need to head off."

The Dark Knight walked a few feet to her. "I'm afraid we can't let you do that," he spoke.

Red Robin snuck a glance at Jason, who he observed to have clenched fists and a tight grip on one of the guns at his utility belt.

"We need you to return the Cat Emerald before you can go."

Marinette's eyes gained a level of hardness, as her voice became resolute. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Batman."

"Multifox, please," Red Hood pled. "Just give it back and then we can go talk."

The woman visibly faltered, looking helplessly between them all before opening her mouth to speak.


At the entrance, a man was situated. He had rectangular spectacles on the bridge of his nose, with a greying moustache and head of hair. With one look at those around, he called out, "Damian, let's go."

The youngest Wayne got a nod from Dick, prompting him to follow the commissioner out. Though as Gordon exited, his eyes flickered between all the vigilantes before he said, "I'll clear the area out."

Batman nodded, turning back to Multifox.

"If you give it back, I promise there will be no trouble," Nightwing placated.

Marinette shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "You don't understand. I need it."

"Multifox," Jason breathed.

"If you're in need of money I'm sur-"

"No. That's not it, and I'm afraid the gem will have to stay with me."

Jason pleaded another time. "Please, Multifox. You don't wanna do this."

"I know..."

Marinette changed her posture into an offensive position.

"...but I'm gonna have to."

Dick and Tim glanced to Red Hood, giving him apologetic gazes. Then, they sent each other affirmative nods in sync. Red Robin pulled out his staff, whilst Nightwing attached two escrima sticks to both arms.

To everyone's surprise, Multifox reached to her back, gripping a flute and bringing it into sight. The duo and her edged forwards, before charging at vigorous speeds to attack.

Criminal!MultimouseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin