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Jason kept his expression level on the way back to the Bat Cave, despite the whirlwind of emotions causing destruction in his mind. Memories flashed spontaneously in front of his eyes as the roar of his motorcycle tore through the silent atmosphere.

The wheels skidded to a halt at the garage in the Bat Cave, where he pulled off his helmet and parked the vehicle, before making his way to the guest bedroom - practically his own.

He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, pushing away the white streak from his forehead.

Jason collapsed onto the bed's mattress, not caring that the clean duvet became dotted with the mud from his pants and costume.

"Marinette," he breathed. "What happened?"

Consciously, his eyes wandered to a picture frame hung on the wall directly across from the bed, which held a photo with two figures beaming at the camera.

Legs moved towards the image. Fingers traced the Asian female with her hair in two pigtails and ribbons hanging out unevenly.

He tensed, head down and nails digging into his palms when his hands clenched into fists.

"I made a promise back then, Nettie..."

His eyes focused again on the portrait.

"...and I plan to keep it."


Tim took another gulp of coffee from his purple mug, dismissing the fact that 'World's Best Sister' was painted bold and in black across the surface.

His fingers nimbly pressed against a dozen more keys, as his eyes scanned the screen close-by with his neck craned upwards.

Footsteps from behind resounded in his ears, however he didn't bother turning back. It was already obvious who the male was thanks to his steady pace and sudden cursing when he almost tumbled over a Batarang that lay carelessly on the ground.

"Sup, Timbers."

Said male gave a nod of acknowledgement, feeling the presence of Jason lean over his shoulder and peer at the computer screen.

Before the man could utter a word, he was cut off by a deep sigh.

"What do you want?"

Jason scoffed, folding his arms childishly. "Bold of you to assume that I wanted something from you."

He rose a brow, but turned back to the keyboard nonetheless and carried on with his work, knowing that his brother would soon spit out what he needed at midnight.

Jay inhaled deeply, before speaking once again.

"Remember how I told you to research someone?"

There was a small margin of silence, where Jason suddenly began to regret his spur-of-the-moment decision.

"I believe her name was Marinette?" Tim questioned. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

After a few seconds consisting of the younger male closing several tabs, he finally opened a new one and began to type.

Three dots appeared in large font, lighting up the Cave in a tinged blue glow that made Jason rub his eyes and the tears that were almost dried on his cheeks.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, 20, almost 21, and owns a private flat nearby to where the Museum is."

Jason glanced up, reading the large text.

"She moved here from Paris just over two years ago, lives alone, and according to this, her income comes from commissions on a website she created."

The older male let out a miniature smile, remembering the times when his sister drew out a multitude of drawings to show him whenever they met up.

He let out a wistful sigh, unaware that Tim had noticed him spacing out. However, he only returned his attention to the computer, not saying a word about his brother and instead thinking internally to himself.

They must have been close.

His lips twitched upwards.

Jason and a girl - close?

The boys will get a kick out of this.

Criminal!MultimouseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon