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Jason scribbled down two addresses and a phone number on a notepad, not caring that the letters were almost illegible to anyone other than him.

As he wrote he chanced a glance at Tim, who was busy scanning his eyes across the computer screen, enraptured by the information.

The older man clicked the end of a blue pen, causing the nib to be pushed back into the plastic casing. He tapped the stationery on his chin every second, searching Marinette's profile for any other important details.

There was a cough beside him.


Said person turned his head to Timothy.

"...did she know you were alive?"

The question caused him to freeze up, which didn't go unnoticed by Drake. However, instead of pushing the matter, he simply carried on filing through digital notes.

"...She didn't. In fact, she had no idea about me even being in Gotham."

There was an awkward silence after the answer, and so to break it, Jason cleared his throat and asked, "Is it okay if you search her up in Paris? I'm lost as to why she moved without her parents and when she's so young."

"Me too," Tim agreed. "You think they had a falling out?"

"Doubt it. They were super close when I met them and she's an only child," he explained. "Nettie helped in their bakery all the time."

"Right. I'll pull up Paris records but it might take a minute."

As he typed on the keyboard, Jason focused his vision around the Bat Cave, noticing the discarded Batarangs and yellow cape on the ground.

Looks like someone was lazy.

Tim clicked on a folder, while at the same time reaching for his purple mug of coffee. When he did so, he found that there was nothing to grab at, and so he turned his gaze up.

Jason was smugly slurping the liquid from the cup, maintaining eye contact with a raised brow as if daring his brother to do something.

The young one only sighed and filled in the search bar with 'Marinette Dupain-Cheng'.

His sudden whistle echoed through the Cave, prompting Jason to turn just as he said, "That's a lot of results."

When Jay looked up, his eyes couldn't help but widen, pouring through the several article titles displayed from French news outlets. The snippets of words he managed to catch with his decent knowledge in the language almost made him sick to his stomach, and he could tell Tim felt the same.

He clicked on one, and soon a video began to play.

After a few seconds consisting of Tim fiddling with the settings and adding American subtitles, he finally switched the volume on, leaving a woman's vocals to reach their ears.

The text on the bottom provided him with everything he needed to know about Marinette's situation.

As the woman called Nadja Chamack explained, his fists clenched and teeth gritted in anger.

Those people did what to her?!


Taking another bite out of a buttered toast, Dick placed down his glass of water and stared out of a window straight ahead.

The sunlight that filtered through it allowed him to see the two other people sat at the dining table - Damian and Bruce Wayne.

His adoptive father had come back recently to Gotham, and so for the past few days, Dick and his brothers had to patrol around the city.

He was currently reading a newspaper whilst drinking from a plain white mug of tea, since Alfred had restricted coffee from him.

There was a comfortable silence in the spacious room, until it was broken by Jason stumbling in and sitting himself on one of the wooden chairs beside Damian.

Jason set down his plate of pancakes, proceeding to eat them without making any attempt at conversation with the others.

After two minutes consisting of Jay tapping his feet impatiently in a monotonous rhythm and the rustling of papers from Bruce, Dick decided to speak up.

"Hey, Jaybird?"

The nicknamed person perked up, making eye contact with Richard. That was when the elder noticed dark bags beneath the red rimmed eyes of his brother, and constant clenching of his fists.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

The only reply he got was a shake of the head and a quick mutter. "Nothing."

Though he definitely doubted the statement, and so did Bruce with his quick glance up, there were no other words exchanged for another moment.

"Does this have something to do with the Mouse yesterday?" Dick asked in a hushed voice, so as to not anger the already-tense figure.

Jason froze, just before Bruce said, "I heard what happened last night at the Museum, Damian and Dick informed me."

Todd levelled a glare at Richard, who had the decency to shrink back slightly, however Damian had the bright idea of scoffing, "Yes. Todd here is friends with a criminal, why am I not surprised?"

"Actually, Damian, I wouldn't say she's a criminal."

The sentence made all their heads turn to him in unison.

"I've found thieves knocked out and tied up with the same symbol she leaves in her robberies. The people she's saved even confirmed that it was her, and that she told them to refer to her as 'Multimouse'."

The symbol was intricate and detailed, usually painted or drawn in a maroon red substance - thankfully never blood. None of the Waynes could identify the source of the image, yet from the spectacle yesterday by the Mouse, they had come to the conclusion that it was magical.

Caught up in the surprise of Bruce's information, none noticed Jason and his steadily rising anger from the topic, that caused the Lazarus aura within him to coil out into the atmosphere.

"Just because she helps out a few Gothamites in need, it doesn't make her some superhero," Damian remarked, arms folded. "If anything, her childish buns and pink with grey costume prove she's faking being innocent and all-"

He was cut off by Jason suddenly slamming his fist down on the table, making them jerk their heads to him.

His back was arched, almost reminiscent of a raging cat as he hissed through grit teeth to Damian, "I suggest you stop talking about my sister like that, Demon Spawn."

None of the males could even think about questioning his behaviour, since the sound of the front door closing noisily echoed in the now-silent Manor not even a second later.

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