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"Tikki, are you sure about this?"

"Of course!" the kwami enthused, whizzing around in a circle before settling herself on her owner's shoulder. "I can sense multiple True Holders in your brother's family!"

"Wait, what?" Marinette asked, wide-eyed from confusion.

"Well, we both know that Jason is perfect for the Black Cat, but Red Robin also seems to be a great candidate for the Dragon."

"D-Dragon? But, but I can't give that to him. I thought that...well, Kagami was the True Holder, right?"

"There is the possibility of more than one in the same lifetime, Marinette, so don't worry!" Tikki assured. "Oh, and you don't have to give him the Dragon miraculous if you don't want to. I know that that would be a hard decision after what happened with Kagami."

The heroine glanced to the side, hurt flashing in her eyes. "Y-Yeah, it would be."

"My Queen," a voice whispered from the side, causing the two to turn to its source. There, Pollen was floating, glancing nervously to the door nearby. "They're ready to see you."

She bit her lip, tuning in to hear if anything was being said in the living room. However, there was only silence.

It took a minute for her to steel her nerves, and when she finally did, a hand reached up to grab the door handle. The door was slowly pushed open, revealing four males sat at couches and the youngest laying across one.

"Hey, Nettie."

Jason stood, walking up to her form. A strong arm wrapped around her shoulder, and led her to a sofa seperate from everyone else. The siblings placed themselves down on it.

"Hello..." she awkwardly greeted. "My name is Marinette and, uh...I'm Multimouse. You probably already knew that though, huh? Oh, I didn't even apologise for paralyzing you! I'm so sorry, Mr Batman!"

Bruce simply blinked, but schooled his expression again from under the cowl.

"Hi, Miss MDC! I'm Red Robin, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine! I should be honoured to have all of you here at my house. By the way, would any of you guys like some snacks?"

Nightwing opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly, several voices chirped from the top of his head, "Yes!"

The woman giggled. "Okay," she agreed. "I'll get everyone something. Would you like to help, Nooroo?"

A purple creature fluttered over from Dick's nest of hair to her outstretched palm. She gave one last hug and smile to Red Hood before strolling off and out of sight.

"Don't look at her like that, B. She's my sister."

"You're my son."

Everyone in the vicinity froze for a moment.

Until Jason let out a huff of air and relaxed his tense muscles. "Fair enough," he muttered beneath his breath.

"...Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did that just happen? Am I hallucinating right now?"

"Probably - judging how you haven't slept for the past few days."

"I don't think that's it, Jaybird. I saw that as well. Are you okay?"

He rose a brow. "Couldn't be happier. Why?"

His older brother frowned. "Usually you'd be a bit angry at B for saying something like that. I'm surprised you're not."

"That is because the Guardian removed the Lazarus within him."

The vigilantes all turned to the spiked kwami perched on Tim's shoulder. He carried on, "The Lazarus affects not only the health, but also the behaviour of anyone who comes into contact with it. As such, the Guardian found it fit to remove all traces of it from her sibling."

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