"Shut her up already"

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Betty Pov

Not gonna act tough. I am completely terrified I don't know who this guys is but by the grip he has on my arms, he's a supernatural. Brianna was unconscious and laid beside me.

Betty- Bri wake up! wake up!

A grunt escaped my mouth as she wasn't waking up. They grab me by the collar of Jughead's shirt and put ropes around my wrist. Veronica tried to take of the spell but it was more powerful. Jughead and Archie were banging on the barrier.

Betty- What are you gonna do with me!

I tried to fight their grasp.

Penny- Shut her up already!

She hands him a needle which they stab in my neck, I felt the fluids down my throat and then black.

Jug- Betty! Betty! What did you do! I swear on my life if you hurt her!

Penny- See you Jonesy

That's all I heard. Before I felt someone pick me up. When I wake up I hope it's Jughead.

Jug Pov

Archie- Fuck!

Veronica broke the barrier spell and pressure from our body was released.

Jug- We should go now, I command my pack! We need to go now!

Veronica- No! We shouldn't get him more angry. We don't know what he will do to Betty.

Jug- Nobody asked you

I said stepping closer to her and her taking a step back. Archie got in front of protecting Veronica.

Archie- You have to calm down! Yelling isn't going to get you anywhere.

He was right as much as I wanted for him to be wrong.

*A week later*

Betty Cooper

I bounced the tennis ball from the floor to the wall catching it and doing it all over again.

Betty- I'm fucking bored in here!!!!

I whined. I haven't been out off this no window room for the past week. All that they have been giving me are blood bags. Which are fucking useless but I don't have nothing else to eat or digest.

Kiara- Knock it off will ya!!?

A female voice in the next room screamed. We have been like this for a week and counting.

Kiara- I swear to god when I get out of here, I will beat your ass.

Betty- Oh bitch, I'm counting on it!!

Malachi- Betty!

Betty- Hey ass hat, here to bring me my "dinner"

I air quote

Malachi- No. You girls are finally gonna be part of the game!

Kiara- The game?

I slowly get up from the hard floor.

Malachi- Try to survive.

As that he left. Try to survive? The game? An alarm started to go off and then it stopped. A hole in the brick wall appeared. A camera moved forward. I look at it closely and a paper falls out. The hole seals again.

Kiara- Hey do you have a camera?!

Betty- Yeah, and a note

Kiara- Yeah, "If you want to get out, wait for the ringing, get inside the camera and hold the cords. Until the door opens"

Jug Pov

It's been a week. I thought she would already be here. We have tried everything. Locators spells don't work. We broke in the ghoulies house but there was nothing. But I haven't lost hope. I mean I can't give up on her.

Jug- Veronica talk to me!

Veronica- What else can we do! I even tried using the locator spell with her blood. It just runs off the map.

She looked exhausted. She has been working none stop.

Jug- Go rest Veronica. I think Archie left his room open. And if he didn't you can sleep on my bed. Thank you Veronica for everything.

She gives me a light hug.

Veronica- She'll be back

She went up the stairs and I sat down back with Khael.

Khael- This was at the door Jones

It was a invitation.

Jug- "We invite you to the Ghoulies mansion, dress formally. Today at 9:00".

Khael- We are one step closer

Jug- Let's go

Betty Pov

Betty- So they want us to electrocute! I rather starve. It's not like they were giving me food!

I yell at the camera and sit back down.

Jug Pov

We got out of the car. My nerves more ups than ever.

Jug- The whole pack is here, if we need to strike we will. Witchipedia.

Veronica- Yes Jughead?

She chuckled

Jug- Thank you, I know I have been a little hard on you. You're amazing.

Veronica- It's was nothing.

Jug- Let's go guys

We walk inside the house and their maid lead us to a big room. At least a thousand people were there.

Archie- This is? Wow

Malachi- Gather around the games are about to begin!

We kept walking and got to a railing. (t was like the room when Archie was in prison)

Malachi- I hoped you all placed your bets, we have new players this time. Brianna Sawyer!

A screen big screen got on and showed a camera and girls with their backs facing the camera.

Malachi- Kiara Blue!

Malachi- Zayla Maybank!

Malachi- and last but not least Elizabeth Salvatore!

Betty looked like she haven't eat for weeks. She sat on the hard floor playing with a tennis ball. All of a sudden the girls got up and looked uncomfortable with their hearing. We could hear them.

Betty- Shit! Shit! Shit!

Kiara- On the count of three

Betty- One!

Kiara- Two!

Betty- Three!

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