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( I wrote this and published but I don't know what happened and it deleted now I have to remember a 805+ words chapter)

Betty Pov

We got back to the spot and everyone was waiting for me.

Betty- I'm good guys

Hope- let's get this started

Hope drew a star on the ground and we all stepped on it.

Hope- I can't do it alone so I am going to syphone magic of you guys so I need you guys to hold hands.

Archie- And if we resist?

Hope- you're already to late

We did as she told. She put the stone in the midden. And we kept listening.

Hope- We are gonna go thought when Betty felt those emotions the hardest as been a supernatural being.

Jughead squeezed my hand on more time and I smile at him. I don't want to see my past. They'll pity me and I am past all of that.

Hope- Chant with me. Spermato Vilos Jen

We all chanted with her and I took one last deep breath. Hoping this doesn't re-open sealed scars. We started chanting as she told and the ground started to shake. Couple seconds later our mind start to go blank as an image appears.

Hope- first emotion: CONFUSION

(No ones POV)

Brianna called Betty into the hall, Brianna was about to expose a secret she hoped it wouldn't get

Brianna- Jughead is mine. He doesn't belong to you. And he will never choose you over him. I don't care what stupid sparks do. I will always be his number.

Betty- Was he yours if he wanted me so bad?

Betty left to go back to the her seat. Her boyfriend waiting for her.

Hope- next emotion: HAPINESS

The scene takes place on the lake where Betty invite Jughead for the first time. Specifically when she was on his back and they couldn't stop laughing.

Archie- you are such a baby

Jug- I didn't know babies kisses so well

Betty kisses his cheek

Veronica- I'm happy your happy B

Betty- I am happy

Betty smiled frown ear to ear

Jug- god I love that smile

She blushed a little and cuddled closer to him. I'm that moment Betty couldn't think of anything that would ruin her life. If he was with her she was happy.

Hope- next emotion: ANGER

Veronica has been Betty's best friends since diapers and they couldn't image life without each other. Once in high school Veronica started being bullied. Betty always has her back until one day her bully went far. The player was named Toby. Someone had sprayed painted on Veronica's locker "Go to hell slut, ddI you fuck Betty's dad too" And Betty was fuming

Betty- Who did this!

Betty said wiping her locker of with her sleeve

Toby- I did Line.

Betty- You know that girls aren't your toys we have feelings, emotions. What gives your the right to bully my best friend.

Toby- Oh god so pretty, yet I don't understand why you hang out with sluts.

Betty- Call her a slut one more time. I dare you!

Toby- What are you gonna do huh? Slam me against the wall. Oh baby I will even beg for it.

He squeezed Betty's ass. And she had enough. She tackled him on the floor and started punching him harder each time. She was blinded by the hate and couldn't stop. Sweetpea was called and he grabbed her and let him alone. He would be dead if it wasn't for Sweetpea.

Toby- you're crazy Cooper

Hope- next emotion: SADNESS

This is one of the most toughest conversation Betty ever had in her life. It was when she first started dating Sweetpea. Her ex Adrian was a very important person in her life until he went away.

Damon- You're my babygirl I'm worried. It's scary. What's going on with this Sweetpea kid

Betty- Scary? Sweetpea makes me feel good, is there something wrong with that?

Damon- You can't replace Adrian!!

Betty- Why not! He broke up with me by killing himself!

Betty started sobbing

Betty- I hate him! I hate him. I feel like I'm never gonna be happy again.

Damon ran to hug his daughter who was broken.

Betty- And everyday it just gets worse. I can't miss him anymore!

Betty sobbed into his fathers arms, as he played with her blonde hair.

Hope- Last one: FEAR

Veronica was suicidal. The bullying just got worse and no matter how much she acted like she was fine. They all knew she wasn't. She was tired of death treats and constant judging. She was ready to end it all. She was found standing on the Sweetwater cliff standing at the edge. No one could get her to walk away. But Betty knew she could.

Betty- I love you, please come here

Betty walked slowly to her but Veronica walked closer to the edge ok response.

Betty- No! I'll stay

She stayed in the same place

Betty- Yes, I will miss you. Yes your bully will make a sappy post on Instagram about what an amazing person you were. Suicide in a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But you know that. You have know that since we learned what the word suicide meant. Those slogans may have lost there meanings but, anything that keeps you alive is worth saying. So don't kill yourself. Don't kill yourself until you finish your conditioner and shampoo at the same time. Don't kill yourself until Charmed is not on tv anymore. Don't kill your self until you tell someone your delicious mac and cheese receipe. I will coming up with reasons and I need you to kill all of them. Don't kill yourself. I love you. You're important. It has ben a bad day. Not a bad life. The world will keep spinning without you. But think about all the sunsets you will miss.

Veronica ran to her best friend, the one who always had her back. Her sister. Betty hugged Veronica like it was the last time, without wanting to let go.

(I have been waiting to post this SINCE 2:00 am FROM YESTERDAY. MY WIFI WAS OUT AND MY DATA IS SHIT!)

Enjoyyyyyyyy ;)

Also I'm planning on making a bughead one shots. Would you like that?....🦋

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