"You are far superior"

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Betty Pov

I wake up and not feel those muscular, warm arms snaked in my waist. The brightness and the smell of pancakes made me get out of the bed. I felt a breeze as my body left the covers, I look down and realize I was only in my lace black underwear. I walk to Jug's dresser and take out a pair of sweatpants that were tighter in the bottom and a grey shirt. I put those on and let my hair down and walk downstairs. Jughead, Veronica and Archie.

Jug- hi babygirl

he snakes his arms around my waist and place kisses on my hairline.

Jug- you sleep well?

Betty- yeah, surprisingly I don't have a bad hangover and I drank a lot! yesterday.

Veronica- me too

Jug- you look really cute in my clothes

Archie- well it looks like Betty definitely had fun

He said with a dirty smirk

Betty- what!

I smile like a child. Veronica points at my collarbone and I look down.

Betty- really babe, a hickey!

Jug- don't act like you didn't like when I did that

Betty- ha ha ha

I pull him in a kiss and place my hands on his neck. I sat down at the island.

Betty- so what's the plan for today?

Veronica- let's go to the beach it's sunny outside

Jug- yeah we haven't surfed in a while

Betty- we can go to Long beach, big waves

Archie- let's do it

Veronica- we have get our swimsuits but sure

V and I get up and get in Jug's car and drive to my house.

Jug Pov

Archie- now that they're gone, ghoulies

Jug- what's up with the ghoulies?

He slides a envelop which I opened. "Expect us. Cute blonde princess". I sighed

Jug- they know about Betty, fuck!

Archie- So what we don't leave her alone. With a pack member 24/7

Jug- Absolutely. Mainly the crew. Don't tell her anything, it will just be normal to her.

Archie- yes sir.

Couple minuets later Veronica and Betty open the door laughing.

Betty- you ready?

Archie- almost

We look at each other and go upstairs. I go back downstairs and Betty and Veronica were dancing and laughing. I stood in aw of the beautiful blonde dancing. Just her deep green eyes and her plump lips. Her beautiful body. But most importantly her personality. That badass, sassy, cute, selfless person. God I am falling in love with her everyday.

Jug- let's go girls

We got on the car and start driving to the beach.

Veronica and Betty- "Everybody trying to be a millionaire but every time I look at you I just don't care. Cause all I wanna do, all I ever wanna be yeah. Is somebody to you".

They sang on top of their lungs. And Archie and I couldn't stop laughing. We reach the beach and start taking of our clothes. I grabbed Betty's board and hand it to her.

Veronica- sick board Betty!

Betty- Hey you waxed two boards, so I took one

Betty ran to the waves and attached her leach to her ankle.

Veronica- who ever catches the first wave is the best at surfing!

We all ran like crazy and started paddling. In the distant there was a wave forming. We paddle and then turned around, the wave was starting get underneath us.

Veronica- paddle bitches!

We paddle fats to get on top of the waves but Veronica beat us to it. She road the wave like a master, she has amazing technique and balance. She did a tight turn and splashed Betty in the face.

Betty- Oh fuck, you show off

She rubs her eyes and tries to take out the salt water out of her eyes.

*Couple hours later*

Couple hour later we sat in the sand looking at the sunset,

Betty- We should do this more offend

Jug- We should baby

I look at her with love eyes. God she's gorgeous.

Jug- -God you're gorgeous

Betty- you are far superior

She places her hands over my neck and kisses me with a intense passion.

Archie- How! We're on our way!

Jug- What's going on?

Archie- Guys, you're house is burning!

Betty shot up from my arms.

Betty- What do you mean! Fuck! Fuck!

I grab Betty's waist and speed to her house. I hoped that Archie would have done the same. Her house was burning, completely.

Veronica- Something doesn't add up

Betty- Of course not our house is burning!

I turn around and try to step outside the circle of where we were standing, But there was a barrier spell.

Veronica- Why the hell is there a barrier spell?

Penny- wo ho!

Our head snapped back. Penny Peabody is the Luna of our rival pack. Which fuck Betty doesn't know anything about! I saw Malachi getting closer and closer. A 'boom' and we look back and Brianna was unconscious. I immediately rush over and bang myself with the barrier.

Archie- What do you want?

I could hear the anger in his voice.

Malachi- Pretty princess

He go in the barrier and whooshed out. With my GIRLFRIEND. My eyes turned bright yellow and my wolf was ready to tear him apart. I started growling and I started getting worked up more and more as he had a tight grip on Betty's hand. Betty whimpered and tried to fight out of his grasp but soon enough he got tired of it.

Jug- Veronica get me out of here!

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