"Full moon"

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Jug Pov

Veronica- what's the deal with her

Jug- I don't know

Cheryl- I don't like her

Khael- you don't know her

Archie- what are they talking about anyway

Jug- we shouldn't hear

Sweetpea- it's not like she's gonna find out

Jug- I'm her boyfriend if I listen I betray her trust

Khael- Talking about betraying trust does she know that she's talking with a pack member, her pack. She doesn't even now your pack is here.

Jug- shut up!

Betty walked back and Bri left

Jug- what happened princess?

Betty- fun girl talk

she rolled her eyes and smirked

Sweetpea- so mall, what time?

Jug- after school

Betty- sounds good

Jug- walk you to class

Betty- it's fine I have practice

Jug- okay

I kissed her and she left

Archie- tell her before you regret it

Soon enough the day passed by and me and Archie were waiting outside for V and B. A couple minutes earlier  thy walk out. Betty hugged me and hid her head in my neck. I realized what she was doing and she was inhaling my scent.

Jug- oh my god

Archie- what

Jug- Betty's inhaling my scent

Archie grinned with me

Betty- what does that mean

Jug- It calms you down, which means I calm you. It's a mates thing

she kissed me deeply and I happily kiss back

Cheryl- let's go lovebirds

Betty Pov

We walk to through the streets of Riverdale when on the other side of the road, they were walking at the same pace as us and they are one of the most dangerous covens on Riverdale The Taurus coven. 

Jug- they're walking at the same pace

Veronica- ignore them and walk

I stop and the Taurus coven does too

Betty- hey boys everything okay

I yell to them and my friends stop me

Chris- everything is cool Salvatore

they left quickly and we started walking again

Jug- who are they?

Betty- Taurus coven, they have nothing better to do than steal jewelry and sell it because the Blood coven took their magic away.

Archi- wow talk about an under dog

Veronica- yep

I held Jughead's hand and held it tightly, he looked at me, smiled and kissed my temple

*at the mall*

Jug- okay I don't know a lot about fashion

he flipped his hair and we died of laughter

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