"Alright. Don't worry. You are in good hands with Surskit." Izuku added.

"Thank you. I'm Yuga Aoyama." Aoyama responded.

Izuku nodded, "I'm Midoriya Izuku. I'll be around the shelter if you need anything."

After talking with Yuga-kun, he approached the spiky brown haired boy who was talking to Smoochum.


"Hello, I'm Rikido Sato." Sato greeted.

Izuku introduced himself, "I'm Midoriya Izuku. I help out Miss Kiku around the shelter sometimes. Are you having fun with Smoochum?"

"Yeah, she is so sweet." Sato replied.

"Cool. I'm just checking that everything's okay. You making a new friend, Smoochum?" Izuku added.

Smoochum nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, see you around! If you need anything, I'm walking around."

After talking to the two boys, Izuku headed back outside to talk to Miss Kiku. But out of the corner of his mind, he saw one of the bushes trembling. Looking closer at the bush, he noticed that it was wearing red shoes...

Hold on just a second...

Zuzu mewled before walking slowly to the bush to sniff at the tangled vines among the leaves. Kyu tilted her head as a Tangela hopped out of the bush when Zuzu came too close.

"Hi...I'm Izuku." Izuku introduced himself before Tangela ran back into another bush. "Hey. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you or anything like that. You must be scared..."

Tangela peeked out to see Izuku gently smiling. "This is Zuzu. This is Kyu. My friend Anubis is over there helping with Miss Kiku."

Tangela cautiously came out of the bush to see Izuku extending a hand to him. "Do you want to come play a game of hide and seek?"

Tangela looked him up and down before slowly taking his hand with a vine.


At school, Bakugo waltzed in with Quilava and Mankey right behind him at his sides whileTorchic rode his shoulder opposite to where Quilava used to sit.

Sometime during the class, Bakugo started bragging that he was planning on getting mega stones for Houndor and Torchic when they evolve into their final evolutions.

A girl said, "Wow, really?"

"Mega stones take a while to find, don't they?" The guy from the back piped up.

"Yeah, you have to like go on this mini quest somewhere to find a stone." One of Bakugo's groupies confirmed when Bakugo claimed his seat.

Izuku brought Ebony with him to school, Kyu was taking her normal place on his shoulder like usual. Adora, Anubis, Sakura, Koi and Tsun were in their respective pokeballs. Bakugo sneered when he saw the Golbat taking a rest on Izuku's head.

"What? Another Pokémon? Ehh, doesn't matter anyway. Golbat isn't that useful, you just skip over it when you get to caves and stuff to get to the real strong Pokémon inside."

Ebony shrunk back from his harsh words, remembering his awful time in the caves where everyone ignored him. Kyu glared at Bakugo's head as the bully began to turn around back in his seat. He let Mankey go back into his pokeball when Izuku piped up.

"That isn't true.."

"What? What did you just say?!"

"That isn't true! Ebony is a great friend to have! He has been nothing but helpful to me. And he doesn't deserve to be ignored since he is so amazing at what he can do!"

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