The Admins Gift

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The admin's gift.

I had no special expectations as I walked through the city's beginnings, I only came into this world to see how my father fulfilled his dream. I had rarely seen my father and basically we hardly knew each other. He was only first fifteen when I was born and my mother was the same age, her parents my grandparents had been wild as a fox when they found out, and I was deported to a home, but my mother had made every effort not to lose sight of me She had also secured me one of the first ten thousand copies of Sword Art Online. She had given me this game and asked me to see this new world. After a while I went into the field for "Frenzy Boars" the weakest monsters in this one Chasing the world. When it was afternoon I wanted to do my homework, the apprenticeship at my home was really strict and if I couldn't keep up with the chores I guess they would take my nerve gear off and give me at least three months internet access. But I couldn't go back to reality, the "Logout Butom" was missing. At first I thought it was a simple BUG but such a blunder saw my father Not at all like that, and then I was teleported out of the blue and without any warning.

I was amazed when I suddenly found myself back in the early stages, and I was not the only one, based on what was going on, I assumed that probably all the players who were currently in SAO were here Qusalten wild, some furiously frightened and others hopeful. Then a smell caught my attention. The smell came from above so I raised my eyes. The entire sky of the virtual world was covered by "System Eror" warnings. And then the sky caught or rather the sky started to snot, because from the octagonal warning signs a viscous substance ran out that deformed drop by drop until it had finally formed into a huge Game Master Avatar in red robe. No doubt! I thought it was him! >> Welcome to my world Player << the game master called, did he really have to overdo it? Without worrying about my grumpy thoughts, the Game Master continued >> My name is Akihiko Kayaba. This world is currently under my sole control. << Why the hell did he have to profile himself! and it went on! >> You have probably already noticed that the log-out button has disappeared from the main menu, but this is not a game error, I repeat: this is not a game error, but a feature of> Sword Art Online <. << what to hell?!? I thought, a feature where you couldn't log out made no sense! But then Kayaba continued >> Until you have reached and completed the top level of this world, you can no longer log out of the game yourself Outside the game, no one can switch off the nerve gear or take it from you. If this is tried ... << Kayaba took a short break and all 10,000 players, including myself, held their breath. And in this silence, which resembled the calm before a storm, they sounded following words like the judgment of an unfair judge in the Middle Ages in Europe who condemned an innocent child >> .... the transmitters emit a strong electromagnetic pulse, your brain would then be destroyed and your vital functions stopped. In short, it would lead to death. << Your brain would be destroyed !!! .... If you switched off the nerve gear, loosened the bracket or tried to remove it from your head, you would kill the user who wore it. Kayaba proclaimed that it was the most natural in the world. Stunned murmurs rose in the crowd, but no one screamed or raged. It was as if they all refused to understand what he was saying >> Hahaha! .... what is he talking about, is he crazy? It doesn't work at all. The Nerve Gear ... it's just a better game console. Something like destroying the brain .... what can it do? not?!? << I didn't know who this statement came from, but he was an idiot, how could he describe the Nerve Gear as the world's first actual VR device as a better game console? of course I had more knowledge of the Nerve Gear than the other players. My mother had informed me about everything related to the Nerve Gear, after all it was Kayaba's masterpiece, and my mother was by far the best person with Kayaba, s work was familiar, so I immediately knew that this speech was far more than an educational threat.And Kayaba continued to make fun. >> More specifically, disconnection from the circuit for more than ten minutes or the network of more than two hours or any attempt to unlock, dismantle or destroy the nerve gear initiates the brain destruction sequence. The conditions have already been communicated to the outside world through the authorities and the mass media. Incidentally, some family members or friends have already ignored the warning ... and tried to remove Nerve Gears, as a result ... << he took a deep breath at this point> > ... unfortunately, 213 players left Aincrad and the real world forever. <<

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