chapter 6

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Yes I know I wasn't updating and I'M SORRY! I have no excuse and simply need to stop procrastinating. But I know what I want this and the next few chapters to be so I'm pretty sure I can update more often, I promise to update again in a week tops. Now to the story!

Mikeys pov

I'm so happy! my bros hadn't gotten upset! I thought they would be mad but they weren't! I'm still confused about what to do next though..... Splinter just told us to go rest, apparently he has a surprise for us tomorrow. Anyway, I better get to sleep. Night!


I sat up yawning, it was about 4:36. Meaning I should probably go to training. I still did private training even though my brothers knew now, because I was at such a level that if I stop my body will suffer from the loss of exercise. But I won't be doing as much since I will be doing katas and mediation during my brothers training.

I went to the dojo and didn't see anyone, Master Splinter was probably busy at the moment. So I grab a kantana and sai off the wall and begin training. Soon enough Master Splinter came and we prepared to spar, as I got into a proper stance I realized that my brothers were watching from the door. 'You wanna show? I'll give you a show.' I stare straight at Splinter and plan the best course of action against him.

He says the word and we run towards each other, I attempted to use the sai to lock his hand down and hit him in the head with the back of the kantana. Surprisingly, I beat him! This was only about my seventh time beating him! And that's out of hundreds of times so you know, very small amount.

Splinter smiles, "good job my child, I believe you were correct about pairing the weapons with another. They make a strong pair together."

I grin, "thank you Sensai, and is there something on your mind?"

"Why would you think that?"

I giggle, "well maybe because I beat you somehow."

"But my son, you won because you are a skilled warrior!"

I smile, "thank you Sensai. After all, you raised me!" I remind him before speaking again, "also is it time for training to start? For my brothers I mean. Because they're standing in the door waiting."

I could hear scuffling as my bros straighten up, "you knew we were there??" Leo asks in shock.

I giggle, "well, you weren't hard to spot."

Donnie ran over, "how did you beat Splinter!"

Raph nods, "yea, how did you beat him?"

I smile at their disbelief, "I got lucky. I barely ever beat him!"

They look even more shocked, but Splinter broke in. "We will begin training with katas, then we shall spar."

We obey, and begin our katas.

               Later, after training.

I grin, training was over and I could finally pull this awesome prank I had been planned! As I stood to leave Splinter calls out.

"My sons, do not leave yet, I have important news for you."

We head back and sit down in front of our father, "what is it Sensai?" Leo seems curious.

"My sons, I know I made it clear you were not ready to travel to the surface." We nod, "but, as you know. I said that when Michelangelo was hiding his strength. But now that he can show his power around you four I have decided to allow you to explore the surface on your own."

My brothers were extremely hyped, I smile, this was amazing! I couldn't wait!


Hello! I'll finish the next chapter as soon as possible! If I don't.... BLAME YOUTUBE! But yeah I'll try!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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