chapter 2

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I awoke to my alarm as I had planned. but just as I was about to leave my room, I realized someone's in the main area of lair. 'Ah shell' I thought angrily 'not again'.

I'm upset because this is the seventh time this month that my brothers have been up and about when I try to go train. It's beginning to become annoying. I mean, can't they just sleep in the mornings? But at least now I can spy on them again, and this is what I hear.

"Leo, why is Mikey still on the team? His useless!" I snickered at my brother, 'oh Raph' I thought pleasantly
'If only you knew how talented I really am'

"Raph! How can you say that!" Came Leos response.

"Well it's true, isn't it?"


"That's what I thought"

It continued in this whay for a while, so I decided to mess with their heads.
I went to the kitchen so stealthy-like that they didn't know I was even up until I started cooking. That's when they realized I was up, their faces were priceless! Anyway, I have to clock out now for training. See you tomorrow!


Sorry it's so short! It's late and I wanted to get this on the air
Also shout out to Jashgill

Two sides of a split personality (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ