Chapter 1: "Crowds"

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He stood there, admiring the beautiful sight before him-— thousands of people had come to see him, they had come to him perform and they were his fans. They loved and admired him. They had their light- sticks which they swung in the air as they cheered for him, chanting his name like some sort of spell...




The yells were deafening and the sight was flashy enough for the entire stadium to seem like a sea of stars. Amidst all this, Jungkook stood there, covered in sweat, exhausted after performing for hours. He breathed heavily and his heart thumped in his chest but he couldn't hear his heart beat not hear himself breathing as the sounds were muffled by the louder sound which rung throughout the stadium.

Jungkook smiled brightly as he thanked the crowds, 'Thank you so much guys for making time for me and attending my concert! Your love and support mean everything to me. I wouldn't even reach this stage if it weren't for you guys... so I'm really really thankful to all of you.'

Jungkook was not even done with what he was going to say but loud cheers and applause interrupted him and he smiled, then continued.

'Soo we call it a night! Please stay safe and take care of yourselves. Have a safe ride to home and hope to see you all soon!! Bye bye!'
Jungkook flashed his brightest smile as he waved his hands and bid his farewells to his fans. The concert ended successfully with the crowds being pleased and that's exactly what mattered the most, people were happy.


After the concert, Jungkook hopped in his car and let his body relax after the long day he had. He rested his back against the seat as he could feel his eyes drooping. But something just resisted him to fall asleep and kept him awake as he stared outside the glass  window.

'Sir you can take a nap. I'll wake you up when we reach to the apartment. ' His driver, Choi, said. Choi was a man in his late thirties who had been Jungkook's  driver for quite a long time. He had seen the boy climbing the great wall of success and witnessed him when he achieved all that he desired and worked hard for. Choi had a younger brother around Jungkook's age (22 years old) and so he couldn't help but feel bad for this young boy, who went so hard on himself. He just wished and hoped for Jungkook to get some rest which the lad required.

Jungkook heard what Choi said but he didn't respond to it as he kept looking outside. It was past midnight and not many people were on the streets. He had been in the industry since he was a teenager. At the age of 15, Jeon Jungkook decided to live for his dreams and started walking on the path of his choice, on his way to the gates of success where his voice would reach out to the world. It had been his dream to perform in such big stages, and to be loved and admired by millions but now that he had all of these, some part within himself yearned for more... something more.

Jungkook spotted an ice cream parlor by the side of the road and he felt a weird craving to taste the sweetness on his tongue. He asked Choi to stop, 'I want an icecream..' he spoke in a low voice. Choi nodded as he stopped the car at a side, 'Which flavour should I get for you?'

Jungkook said, 'I'll go.'
He got out of the car and went towards the ice cream shop. He was surprised that the shop was open even after midnight but nevertheless he was thankful since he could get some icecream.

'A red bean popsicle please.'

The guy at the counter nodded, 'Right away, sir!'

Jungkook didn't have to wait for long as the guy was back with the icecream. Jungkook paid for it and just he was about to leave, the guy called out to him, 'Uh can I have your autograph please...I'm a big fan of yours.'

Jungkook seemed a bit surprised but he smiled as he nodded, taking the pen and asked the boy's name.
'Hyunseok.' He replied.

Hyunseok asked Jungkook to give his autograph on the back of his shirt and no, Jungkook didn't get weirded out, rather he laughed it off, since he had seen fans doing crazier stuffs. Hyunseok thanked and bowed multiple times to show Jungkook his gratitude and Jungkook bowed back and smiled brightly. His smile faded as soon as he turned his back and started walking towards the car. He got inside, still thinking about his interaction,and Choi started driving. Suddenly he realized...He had forgotten his ice cream at the shop. He felt slightly annoyed but closed his eyes, hoping to forget whatever bothered him.


'Sir, we have arrived. Wake up!'

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, finding himself still in the car. His body refused to move due to the tiredness he could feel within his veins. Jungkook rubbed his eyes and cracked his neck, and got out of his car.  He practically dragged himself to the elevator, to tired to respond to the watchman who had greeted him.
After getting on the elevator, he pressed the button 15 and pressed his back against the wall, waiting to get to his apartment, just plop on the bed and get a good night's sleep.

The elevator door opened and he got out. He pressed the keys on the keypad and the door to his apartment was unlocked. He locked the door behind him and switched on the lights, as he was welcomed by emptiness.

Jungkook scanned the entire place as he could find loneliness in every corner of the big room. This is something he'd always do, in hope for something which could reduce his void in any possible way, but it was always the same-—empty.

He sighed as he got rid of his shoes and kicked them wherever.

He strided towards his room, unbuttoning his shirt,throwing it to a side of the room he  plopped down on the bed. His back rested against the soft sheets of the bed and he closed his eyes to sleep.

5 minutes later...

Jungkook opens his eyes. He couldn't sleep. He bolted up to sit and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He knew he needed sleep and that he had to sleep but well...he couldn't sleep.

He got up from the bed in irritation and thought of taking a shower.

The cold water ran through his body as Jungkook pressed his palms on the wall in front of him. He closed his eyes. All he could imagine were his fans, people and lots of people who loved him, hated him and knew him but then again he didn't have someone to welcome him with a warm hug, he didn't have someone to whom he could rant about his day, and cry or laugh remembering the memories about him and his parents, who had passed away when he was around 12. No matter what, nobody could fill the void in his heart. He had a number of girlfriends in the past but no one could give him the love and support he craved for.

Jungkook loved his fans, undoubtedly. But his pain and loneliness had brought him to a stage where he didn't want all this fame, success and fans. He just wanted to be him, away from all the noise and crowd, with that one person, who could make his apartment feel like a home.

Standing under the shower, Jungkook could feel his body getting numb and that's exactly what he wanted—to feel numb, because injuries don't hurt when you can't feel them.

After what felt like an hour or so, Jungkook got himself together to get out of the shower. He came out in his bath robe and proceeded to dry his hair. After he was done, he went to the part of his apartment which was like a mini bar, with various types of wine and other alcoholic drinks.

He needed a drink.

A drink soon became a couple of drinks and Jungkook found himself unstoppable. His mind went blank and all he wanted was to drink more and more and more.

Within no time, he passed out.

Still with you.. (A JINKOOK FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя