"How long were you placed with them for?" Mitchell asks curiously.

"About a year, give or take a couple of months." I shrug apologetically wishing I could give them a better timeline. "All I know is that it was the longest I have ever stayed in one place."

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you removed from their care?" I was expecting Chris's question, but the sadness I feel thinking back on the events that had transpired is another story.

"I don't really remember what happened, but I overheard Mishka's son tell someone over the phone a few days later that Sadhil had suffered a heart attack and the paramedics were unable to revive him." Nothing was the same after that.

"Mishka was devastated. She did everything she could to maintain a "normal" environment for me, but because the family's structure had been altered so drastically, Community Services decided that the placement was no longer viable for the carer." And that was that.

"He would have enjoyed this though." I say pointing towards the empty bowl. "He always liked to experiment with vegetables, but I think that was just his way of trying to introduce me to fresh produce."

"Smart man." Will remarks with a half-smile, attempting to ease some of the heaviness in the room. It works for the others who manage to steer the conversation away into something less dreary, however the sad feeling that lingers over me every time I talk about my past doesn't recede.

Seeking some form of comfort, I raise the sleeves of the oversized hoodie Nathan gave me to my nose and inhale deeply in an attempt to find the very faint hint of cologne that was still imprinted in the fabric. I don't understand why the masculine perfume makes me feel so calm, but every time I catch a hint of it, I feel as if I am being engulfed in a warm, affectionate hug. Something that I haven't experienced in years.

Despite Nathan buying me at least two other jumpers in my own size, I have refused to part with his one which I have worn so much over the past few days that the soothing scent which was embedded in the fabric has faded almost to the point of non-existence. Both Will and Chris have tried to convince me that it needed to be washed, but no matter how convincing they try to make their argument sound, I just politely decline each time they offer to take it. Eventually, James being the peacekeeper of the house, managed to convince the older men that there was no harm in me wearing the offending jumper and that I will let them wash it for me when I am ready.

Neither Will nor Chris have brought the topic up since, but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the hushed conversation they had shared with James shortly after the incident had occurred. I didn't hear any of their conversation, but whatever James said to them obviously changed their minds.

Closing my eyes, I block out the noise around me and try my best to commit the warm scent to my memory. This time, I won't forget, even if I can't remember where I had first been introduced to it.

When my senses finally shift back into focus I quickly glance around the table to determine whether anything has changed, but like before, everyone is still seated in their normal spots but it seems like the conversation has shifted somewhere along the line to Mitchell's university studies.

"While we are still on the topic of studying, Mackenzie has her first day of school on Monday." Will states, offering me an encouraging smile while still managing to look slightly disappointed at the news. Me attending school means he has to go back to work.

Nathan had told me when we were at the shopping centre that he and Will had taken annual leave for the week so that they could spend some quality time with me. Chris has been working night shifts for the last few days, so apart from dinner he is usually in bed hibernating before his next shift. I didn't mind that he was always sleeping, it just meant that there was one less person invading my personal bubble.

All Four Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now