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I hadn't slept for the rest of the night. I was motionless in bed, staring at the window as the light of the sun peeked through. The fatigue changed to mild anger when the body of Bam Margera flung himself onto my bed and grabs me into a hug. I notice the finnish rock star's form leaning against the door frame.
"Wake up sunshine!" He smiles. I look at him with a glare.
"I am awake, I've been awake all night and I haven't slept well in ages and... I am tired!" I shot back and roll out of bed. "how are you awake? You must still be drunk."
He grinned as if to confirm my question.
Both men were waiting by the door to go for breakfast.
We entered the breakfast room and found a table. I briefly went to grab us all mugs of coffee.
Ville and I had black coffee and watched as Bam added two sugar packets and a capsule of halfnhalf.

"Americans drink their coffee with milk and sugar," I joked to Ville in our tongue.
He laughed.
Bam looked to us both. "Oh great you can speak in code in front of me, no fair."

"When do the others arrive?" he changed the subject after a minute of silence.
Others?! Oh yeh, they are a band
"Tomorrow at 4am," ouch. Killer.
"Who are the others? What's their names?" I ask. Bam is about to speak and then Ville cuts him off with their real names not stage names.
"Mikko Lindstrom," Ah ok. goldie locks from school. "Mika Karpienen," Don't know him. "Janne Puuriten," Didn't know him. "Mikko Paananen -"
"Mikko Paananen!" I had definitely missed him.
Bam stared confused as Ville and I reacquainted excitedly in Finnish. I told him about how I'd been clueless it was his band because of Bam's terrible pronunciation and my incredible lack of awareness of people behind the music.

- 2:56 am the next day -

I attempted my best at getting at least five hours of sleep. My mission was nearly accomplished with four hours instead.
I got out of the bed and went to check on the boys on the sofa bed.
Bam was fast asleep and snoring like a congested elephant.
I noticed that Ville's was different. He wasn't asleep.
"Are you still able to hear from all this noise?" I laugh from the doorway. Bam is too knocked out to hear.
Ville, however, stays still for a moment before looking over his shoulder with a grin.
He got up and pulled on his hoodie that had been on the floor by the bed. The suite was cold. While remembering, I turned off the air conditioning.

"How long have you had sleeping issues for?" He asked after we'd finished discussing Depeche Mode.
"It has its ups and downs but since I started having nightmares of the fire," I spoke quickly, not wanting to dwell on it. He nodded and looks for another subject.
I went to the mini bar and pulled out some drinks for us both. He thanked me and downed a large part of it.
We sat together in silence. I made a conscious effort not to snuggle into him.
My mind brought up the idea of pissing off Bam by waking him up at 3:34am.

I stood up and gave Ville a brief smirk before moving back to the living room and jumping onto the creaky sofa bed.
"I'm UP!" He mumbles.
"You're not up until you're standing up," I threw clothes at him to wear from his suitcase and then went to change mine as well. I simply wiggled into a simple black dress and picked my much loved ankle boots.

"Alright everyone let's move out!"

Sweet Pandemonium (Ville Valo)Where stories live. Discover now