*RE: Part 4 (6-12-2020)*

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Zuko is out on the deck of the ship with his arms over the railing looking out over the ocean. He wasn't going to cry or anything but the ocean reminded him of Hana and it made his heart sore. How could he have allowed her to run off alone into the forest? How could he have allowed himself to fall in love with his own prisoner? It had been 3 days since he let hana go and it still hurt.

"Sir." Dave says saluting even though zuko isnt looking.

"What." Zuko grumbles staring still at the ocean.

"W-we received a transmission. From Zhao" Dave says.

Zuko turns quickly, eyes wide. "Oh that's never good. What's he want?"

"Says he got something that might interest you." Dave says. "Apparently he found someone and they gave him your name. He said he wants to trade you for the avatar."

"I don't have the avatar?" Zuko replies irritated. "Why does he always bug me for dumb reasons?!" He thinks for a moment. "Who could he possibly have?"

Another man walks up and reports something to dave quietly. Then dave nods and faces zuko again. "He seems to be under the impression that you have the avatar. He says he is coming in our direction to make the switch he is sure you will want what he has got."

"But I dont have the avatar." He grumbles.

Dave shrugs. "He sent us coordinates. He is very close."

Zuko crosses his arms. "He must have put a tracker in our ship." He thinks for a moment. "Well he knows where we are, let's see what he has to say. We can't ignore him and we can't out run him. We will show him we don't have the avatar and he will leave."

Zhao's ship comes into view. The two ships anchor and Zhao walks across a wooden plank between ships.

Zuko scowls. "I dont have the avatar Zhao. But feel free to look."

Zhao smirks. "Well if he isn't here then I suggest you go find him. Wouldn't want your pretty little girl to get a nasty burn."

"Girl?" Zuko questions. "I don't ..." he looks over at Zhao's ship. On deck three heavily armed navy soldiers are surrounding a brunette girl who is tied with her hands behind her back and a cloth over her mouth. He didn't need to ask to know that it was hana.

Zhao smirks again. "You know her? She seems to know you." He turns to his three men and gives them a nod.

On guy kicks her leg and she goes down in a muffled wail onto her knees. Then he holds her head up by her hair.

Zuko grumbles. "She was a prisoner of mine but she escaped. She means nothing to me."

Zhao frowns slightly. "Really?" He puts his hand on his chin. "She made it sound like you were friends?" He shrugs. "Then she isn't useful." He motions to his men and they drag her to the edge of the ship and toss her over the railing.

"Hana!?" Zuko yells watching her fall.

Zhao grins. "She'll drown, she can't swim all tied up and injured. I wadger you have about 3 minutes to decide to hand over the avatar.'

Zuko knows she can hold her breath for at least 5 minutes but he doesn't want to risk her getting dragged off by the current. "Fine!" He says. "But i don't have him right now. We are on his trail I'm sure we are close."

Zhao smirks and walks back to his ship. "Bring me the avatar." He pulls a rope and hana is brought out of the water soaking wet. "You have 3 days. We are docking at the cave of two lovers near omashu."

"Thats so far?!" He says.

Zhao grabs Hana by the front of her robe. "We'll be waiting." His ship takes off leaving zuko in the dust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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