23. I went to be a flower picker last night~

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Haizi glanced at the two to grind the chirp, and there was no way to quickly solve the other party for a long time. It is estimated that it would be in the middle of the night to continue to grind like this, so he called the others to waste the boss to separate Gao Jing and Su Yuanzhou.

Gao Jing returned home silently. Su Yuanzhou sat beside the deck and kept holding the wine bottle to drink wine.

He still had a sober will to think about it. He had just said that, it was too much, and he didn't even dare to admit that he felt a little guilty and regretful.

For Su Qiuge, for Gao Jing.

He shook his head, dumped these messy ideas (dry gan), looked at the messy lights of the nightclub (mi), the whole person was paralyzed on the soft leather sofa of the deck, looking at the men and women who laughed on the dance floor, The laughter and intimacy of those people became more and more dazzling, and the more he seemed to be lonely, he squeezed the bottle tightly, endured the idea of ​​calling on the ground, and gave another big mouthful to his mouth.

The spiciness spread on the tongue fur with a bitter taste. Su Yuanzhou looked at the empty side and suddenly felt a kind of suffocation reaching his heart.

It was not clear how much he had poured out. When he was sent back by Haizi and they were sent back, the whole person was a little unconscious.

After Haizi sent them to the community, they were a little uneasy. They wanted to send him into the apartment. He frowned and flicked away those people. He took the elevator and opened the door. He took off his shoes and stumbled into the entrance.

It was already midnight, and the apartment living room had a large floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the city at night.

The city at night was terribly quiet, and the traffic flowing on the high speed surged with neon lights.

This apartment, which belongs to him alone, usually feels clean without interruption. At this time, the lack of peace adds a bit of desertion and loneliness.

When I walked in slowly, I do not know why, at this time Gao Jing hissing words echoed in his ears.

"Su Yuanzhou, look at how many people will stay with you in the end!"

His head was dizzy, and the ghost made the gods frown, remembering the days when Yang Xue and Su Jingkun had an argument.

I seemed to have been praised as being smart and easy to learn when I was a child. I went to elementary school early and was later relegated for a period of time before fighting with Su Qiuge.

At that time, Yang Xue and Su Jingkun were arguing every day because of some trivial things. Su Qiuge was in a kindergarten kindergarten. Every day he chased behind others (fart pi) shares to play.

It seems that what I have seen and heard is the dirty and dark side of this family since I was a sensible writer. From the beginning, I was worried and worried that this family would break, and finally I numbly hoped that it would end soon.

Later, when he decided to separate, Yang Xue gave him an expressionless expression and took away the young and obedient Su Qiuge without looking back.

Su Yuanzhou's eyes were remembered for more than ten years, and even appeared in every nightmare behind him, causing him to wake up in cold sweat.

What Yang Xue needs is a child who is obedient and obedient to let her dominate. If he is not disciplined like him, he will only embarrass her.

What Yang Xue needs is Su Qiuge.

I don't know when, his disgust with Yang Xue gradually brought Su Qiuge.

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