"He's joking, right?"

Draco ignored him and reached out to Theodore.

"I don't need your help!" Theodore shouted.

"Don't be an idiot!" Draco growled, holding out his hand. "You'll die!"

Harry had Crabbe on the back of his broom and was lingering next to him. "We can't wait forever!"

Draco grabbed the back of Theodore's jacket and tried to haul him up but he squirmed.

"Let go of me!" He yelled, as the jacket started slipping off.

"Don't—" But it was too late. Theodore squirmed out of his jacket before Draco could haul him up and he fell into the flames.

Draco stared in shock and it was Harry's voice that brought him out of it. "We've got to go!"

Draco turned his broom and followed Harry out. They landed roughly outside the doors and Crabbe took the chance to flee. Harry put the tiara on the ground and Hermione threw a basilisk fang at him. Harry caught it and stabbed the tiara. Black smoke billowed out as Harry fell back. Ron stepped up and kicked the tiara into the flames just as the doors to the Room of Requirement closed.

Draco knelt down next to Harry. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, blinking out of his reverie. "It's the snake. The snake is the last Horcrux."

Draco helped Harry to his feet. "Do you know where they are?"

Harry shook his head.

"You have to use your connection," Hermione replied. "Find out where they are."

Harry nodded and closed his eyes and after a few minutes, he opened them. "They're at the boathouse."


Harry, Draco, Hermione, and Ron crept along the side of the boathouse and crouched down by the window. Voldemort was inside with Nagini but they weren't alone. Snape was there too.

"The wand answers to you, of course, my lord," Snape said. "Who else?"

"You killed him, Severus," Voldemort spoke. "It is you that the wand belongs to."

Snape choked and stumbled against the wall. Harry couldn't see, could only hear what was happening.

"Nagini, attack," Voldemort commanded.

There was a hiss and a bang as Snape fell against the window. And then another.

"Come, Nagini," Voldemort said and then apparated away.

Harry peeked into the window and after making sure there was no one but Snape there, he ran into the boathouse. He knelt next to the professor and put his hand against his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Draco crouched down beside Harry and Snape's eyes cut over to him.

"I'm sorry," he said, weakly. "I didn't want you to end up...like me." Tears trickled from his eyes. "Take them," he gestured to his face.

Draco turned to Hermione who pulled out a vial from her purse. Draco took a hold of it and held it against Snape's face to capture the tears.

"Take them to the Pensieve," Snape's voice was soft as he looked to Harry. "You have your mother's eyes."

Those were his last words.

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