It wasn't about that. Lloyd didn't care that she had interviened. He was glad that she had, since she bought enough time for them to arrive.

It was her attitude about getting hurt.

"Sensei...while we waited for the police to arrive, I noticed she'd injured her hand pretty bad. I mean, like already turning black and blue bad." He paused, recalling every single tone in the bruises that had formed on the strangers hand. "Lloyd, you know that fighting causes bru.." "She didn't care."

Wu paused, confused as to why his student had inturrupted him, and looking so guilty at that. "What do you mean she didn't care Lloyd?"

He sighed, running his fingers through his blonde locks to try and curb his frustration. "I mean just that sensei. She didn't care. I told her she should get it check out, and her response was that she'd had it much worse. Not 'It'll be alright. Not 'it's not that bad.' Her exact words were 'I've had much worse.' How is that okay? She risked her life! She nearly got clubbed with a pipe and, instead of having a reaction, it was if nothing happened."

Wu realized what was going on. Lloyd hated seeing other people get hurt. He was a fighter and a warrior in his own right, but he hated seeing others get hurt, especially when he could have prevented it, had the circumstances been different.

"Why does that bother you so much? You can't blame yourself Lloyd...." "Why not? If we'd been faster she might not have gotten hurt. And bruises like that shouldn't be normaOWW!" Lloyd yelped, reaching to his right thigh where Wu had slapped his staff. "What the hell was that for master Wu?"

Wu raised up his chin and removed his staff, placing it on the ground once more. "You had a bruise there." "I have bruises everywhere sensei." "Exactly." He began walking towards the Jojo in the monastery, and Lloyd soon followed, rubbing his bruise just a little.

"You have bruises all the time. As do all the others. You had all but forgotten about it until I hit you. For you, getting a bruise is normal." "Yes, but I'm a ninja." "That is true." Wu paused for only a second, and looked over his shoulder to Lloyd. "But you don't know anything about her. Maybe she bruises easily. Maybe she's been in a car accident before. Maybe she's used to fighting."

"" Lloyd hadn't thought about it that way. Sure she didn't look like someone who would be getting into dangerous situations, not with those kind [E/C] eyes, but there was no guarantee. He didn't know anything.

"I hadn't thought about it like that." He didn't exactly feel better, even if sensei was right.

"Exactly. So don't worry about it. You have enough on your plate as is." Wu made his way into the Dojo, where the monks who also now called it their home after the dismantlement of his brother's monastery were meditating.

"Let it go."

Lloyd wasn't entirely convinced. Something about the whole thing just seemed wrong. It was exactly like her WANTED to get bruised up all the time. He held his breath for a moment, as if that would actually help him think.

Wu watched as Lloyd tried to process his feelings on the matter. He hates thinking it, but sometimes the boy cared too much. "Why don't you take some time to think on it. I need a few things from the city anyway. I'll tell the others that I sent you on some errands."

He smiled, but it was clear he didn't really mean it. "Thanks sensei. I'll be back later."

Gentle rays of the morning sun crept through the windows of my room, shaking me from my sleep. It was a soft awakening, unlike the shrill demands of my alarm. Peaceful and pure.

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