9. Kings of The Leaf

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One afternoon while the sun settled, the window closest to your bed came soft wind.

From outside you could hear the trees rustling.

Because of the incident that happen, the child had to be born soon after a day of hospitality.

It was a risk for the both of you but were both strong.

you we're more than excited (more like impainat) for the little one to be born.

Today was finally that day.

You held your first born son
In your arms as your curious friends glued there eyes on him.

"He's soo cute!"

"He looks just like shikamaru!"

They all made comments.

You turned your head to look at your husband who was being pushed away by the crowd as they took his place he was standing at.

"Guys, I was here first! He's my son not yours" he whined.

"Hm..that's true. On that note, I'm happy to announce that hinata is pregnant" naruto smiled like a goof ball everyone congregated him.

Hinata turning a shade of red.

You laughed at the sight, seeing your friends and family together.

When your husband was finally sittng by your side, he took another look at his child.

"His eyes are very much like yours"
He stated.

You only nodded. A bit to tired to respond.

''So what's his name'' a nurse called out who had watch the sight of people hovering over you.

''It's Shikaharu....Haru for short'' I glanced up at my husband.''

You gesture him to hold his baby but Shikamaru hesitated.

"Haru and the new generation of kids will be the kings of the leaf village. it's our job to portect them starting with your son..so hold him, silly.'' You giggled.

"Right.." He smirked as he held his son and his hands; declaring he would protect him with his life.

He then looked at you. " I couldn't ask for a better wife and best friend. I'm sorry I let this happen."

"Don't be an idoit. You saved me from what could have happened. I love you" you reached out from one of your husband's hand.

"I love you too" he instead hugs you with tears in his eyes."

Your hand wraping around your husband's neck. Both of you shielding your baby boy.



Born: May 5th

Hair Color: Black.

Eye Color: (yours).

Most Used Words: "Shit" and "Just Fucking Great"

Likes: sleeping.

Hates: doing work that he doesn't get nothing out of return.

The End



Story finished: Dec/27/2014

Story Edited: Dec/27/2017

Thank you, old readers and new readers. I hoped you enjoyed this story!

I did my best to revive it without changing that much in the story.
😅 so sorry if it's still shit or confusing..I tried.

My preteen pass self was just starting to write.

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