Chapter 24 | Fashion Killer I

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Nancy looked around at the group of friends gathered in front of her—some new and some old. Despite the sentimentality she felt, she knew that one of them could be the culprit.

"Whoever did this, is planning to publicly humiliate half of the school," Nancy started. "I don't have much time to explain but they're going to do it at the final event and we have to stop them way before then."

"At my fashion show?" Bess exclaimed. "So not cool!"

"Yes. And I'm guessing they'll use the big projector to do it," Nancy replied.

Dave, the editor at the campus newspaper, interrupted. "Why should we care about protecting people stupid enough to send their gross photos to a stranger online? Let Terry reveal whatever she wants. It'll be good publicity! And certainly the most interesting orientation I've ever covered. Models walking out to the backdrop of people's blackmail material. It's news gold!"

Spencer, the temp, turned to Nancy. "You're really gonna let him talk like that and NOT accuse him of setting this whole thing up? Whereas I'm the prime suspect the second you need anything?"

"You can never trust a reporter," agreed Nick, the charming police intern. "They'll make up anything to sell stories."

"If you must know, the culprit has stepped up their game since your summer advice columns and is threatening to release stolen personal information from Gilmont students. Anyone who's ever connected to Gilmont's public WiFi is at risk," Nancy explained.

Dave continued, ignoring the remarks. "The culprit could be bluffing. How do you know they even have this stuff?"

"I don't want to take that chance. Especially since they're probably the same person that killed Terry. I wouldn't want to cross someone that desperate. If they went as far as to kill Terry, there's no end to what they might be capable of. Now, we don't have much time."

With that, everyone except Nancy split up into pairs and headed off to different orientation events. That way, they could cover all of the places that the culprit could be hiding before the fashion show and could report any suspicious activity to Nancy.

After hanging out at her event for a few minutes, Nancy double checked the phone for any messages from Terry's killer and then slipped out of the room. With all of her friends and possible suspects conveniently distracted and separated at different events, Nancy implemented her real plan. She headed toward Gilmont's amphitheater, where preparations for the fashion show were well on their way.

The amphitheater was empty except for the tech crew, buzzing around the stage with cords and wires. A huge projector screen hung ominously at the center of the stage. It displayed the Gilmont logo.

As planned, Bess met her there. She acted extra cheerful to hide her nerves. "You're lucky I'm in the show and can sneak you in behind the scenes." She led Nancy backstage, handing her some gear to make her look like a part of the crew.

"Thanks Bess. Don't know what I'd do without you. Now, you're sure Connie is still at the bake sale? I can't have anyone knowing that I'm here right now."

Bess nodded. "She's holding on to some of the cookies I bought while I lied about having to run to the bathroom. Just like you told me."

They walked toward the laptop that was going to control the big projector screen at the fashion show, in less than an hour. Bess logged in and Nancy got to work making sure that the presentation hadn't been tampered with.

"Everything looks good so far. The culprit hasn't gotten their hands on this yet," Nancy said to Bess. "You should get back to the bake sale now, before Connie notices that you're gone. I'll hang back here and make sure no one else has access to this laptop."


The next half an hour passed without a hitch and a crowd began to gather in the auditorium. Nancy continued to guard the laptop until she noticed a frantic Bess running up the side stage steps.

Bess was out of breath. "She's gone!"

"What? Who?"

"Connie is gone!" Bess exclaimed. "She was at the bake sale the whole entire time I was there, I swear. But then at the last minute, a sorority recruiter complimented my shirt and we got to talking and the next thing I knew, she was gone! It's her! It was her all along!"

"Calm down, I'll handle this."

"Oh I'm so sorry Nancy," said Bess, her eyes welling up. "I shouldn't have been distracted. I let you down and now my fashion show will be ruined! We've both worked so hard."

Nancy moved quickly. "Not all is lost. Just watch this laptop and make sure no one but you gets close to it. Don't take your eyes off of it, even for a second!"

Nancy crossed the back of the stage and peeked out at the crowd of people funneling into the auditorium. The announcer was welcoming new students to the fashion show. It was about to begin. As she watched students filling up the auditorium, she began to take note of which of her friends were coming inside. She spotted George, Nick and Abby interspersed with the crowd. Spencer, Dave and Connie were nowhere to be seen. Nancy took a step back and waited. They were expected to be back in a few minutes. She looked down at her watch then reached for her phone.

Dave texted, saying that he was in position at the East door of the auditorium.

Backstage was getting busier. The crew was rushing to make last minute adjustments to equipment before the show started. Bess was waving for Nancy to come back to the laptop. Everyone was getting into position. The models were lining up behind her.

But not all her friends were back yet.

Nancy looked out from behind the curtain again just in time to see Spencer giving her a discrete thumbs up from the West door. The room was now packed with students.

The lights fell. Music began thumping through the amphitheater as the first model walked across the stage.

Nancy's heart was racing as she looked up at the projector screen from the side stage, waiting for people's blackmail photos to appear. But as the crowds watched the second model walk on, the screen only described the model's clothing designed by Bess's team.

Nancy joined Bess at the center of operations again.

"Nothing yet," Bess whispered, from behind the main laptop. "Looks like the show is safe."

Just then a series of buzzing noises preoccupied everyone backstage, including Nancy and Bess. Most of the crew were getting out their cell phones, as if they'd all received a text at the same time. There was murmuring from the audience and Nancy ran to the side of the stage again, glancing up at the big screen out of habit.


But the second she looked out at the crowd, she saw something like never before. A sea of students in the dark auditorium, getting out their bright phones one by one. It was like a crowd at a concert. The students were lighting up the room with their phones.

Bess came up behind her and frantically said, "The killer didn't use the screen, but everyone's phone!"

The Last CaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora