Chapter 3| Body in the Library

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Nancy's first evening at Gilmont approached with the gradual fading of the sun behind the red brick campus buildings and shadowy oak trees along her path to the dining hall. She would have honestly preferred to enjoy the cornbread that her housekeeper Hannah had prepared for her earlier that day, but Connie insisted on heading to the dining hall for their dinner. 

 "So what I'm saying," continued Connie after a lengthy and mainly conjecture filled analysis of what had happened to the missing student, 'Is that Terry, had found out a dark secret which lead to her having to disappear for good. And for some reason, this so called disappearance act —which I don't fully buy, by the way— was set up in order to protect the identities of the conspirators that I've told you about earlier." Noticing Nancy's rather vacant expression she added, "What do you think?" 

 "I suppose it's possible," said Nancy giving Connie a weary look. "But I think you may have been reading way too many crime novels."

Connie looked down. "So you think it's a stupid idea."

"No, no, I didn't say that! It's just...well where's the proof?" Nancy asked. 

 "Well that's why I'm telling you! So that you can find the proof, find Terry and catch the culprit like you always do." 

 Feeling bad about speaking out about what seemed like her only new friend's antics, Nancy decided to take her as seriously as possible. "Okay, let's say we were to consider your theory. My first question would be why do you think Terry was...well, kidnapped? What gives you that impression?"

 "Well a third year university student doesn't normally leave on their own accord, wouldn't you say? Especially not Terry." Connie shook her head. 

 "What kind of person was she?" 

 Connie paused. "She was nice, quiet and organized. Let's see, she was the captain of the soccer team last year before Marianne took over. She might have played piano or something." 

 "And you've met her?" Asked Nancy. She thought about how all of the information that Connie was giving her was directly from the news article.

 She hadn't. It was unsurprising that Connie didn't know much else about the so called mystery, and it had occurred to Nancy that she was merely excited to be her friend. 

But before Nancy could finish her train of thought, the girls were both startled by a nearby scream!

 "What was that?" asked Connie with panic ridden eyes.

 "I think it came from the library!" said Nancy grasping her friend's arm and hurrying towards the big building they'd just passed. 

 Once inside, they were greeted by a slam of the big oak door and then silence. 

Nancy froze and listened, with Connie just behind her. 

 Soon, footsteps could be heard above them. A muffled sound was also coming from somewhere upstairs. They heard something drop.

 The girls carefully crept up the stairs and found a woman hovering over a body that was laying in a pile of fallen books.It looked like a boy with dark hair that must have been a student like them. 

 As they approached the hovering woman, she looked up at them with teary eyes and muttered, "It was Terry, she—she had a gun." 

 "A gun?" whispered Connie when Nancy interrupted her. 

 "Terry? Terry Kodric?" Nancy asked her calmly while helping the woman to sit down against the wall. 

The woman nodded. Her face was ashen with shock. 

 "Where did she go? Which way was she going?" Nancy asked again. 

 But before the woman could answer, the library door swung open downstairs and countless footsteps filled the building as the campus police ran inside and upstairs. They were upstairs in a few seconds and pulling Connie and Nancy to their feet and in the direction of the exit. 

"No students in here right now, it's not safe," shouted one of the campus police members. "Take them outside!" shouted another. 

 "Let go of me! Please, I can get outside on my own!" cried Connie as she struggled to get out of their grip. 

 Nancy however knew it was usually best to follow procedures, and in her calm, almost professional state, was able to catch a glimpse of the body under the books. She was certain that she saw it start to get up. 

 Outside, the girls were both briefly interviewed as to what had happened, and when satisfied that they were just bystanders to the librarian's scream, were urged to go and not worry about anything that they had seen. 

 This last suggestion was of course enough to convince Nancy to unofficially begin her own investigation. 

 "That was so crazy! What even happened in there?" Connie said and then laughed. "One day with you Nancy Drew, and we're already involved in some sort of heist or murder! Wow we probably have so much to talk over dinner now, with the newest case revelations and all—" 

 "Oh, you can head down there now, but I think I'll catch up with you in a bit," said Nancy as she began making her way to the other side of the library building. 

 "There's no way I'm leaving by myself, you heard the librarian, Terry is here somewhere running around with a gun!" 

 Nancy sighed. "I really doubt that. But in any case, we'd better hang back then." 

 Connie reluctantly followed Nancy to the other side of the library and they waited for a few moments while the campus police slowly entered the building again. 

 "So what are we waiting for?" asked Connie. "Do you think Terry is gonna run out of the back or something?" 

 Nancy motioned for her to be quiet and then whispered, "I think Terry—or whoever else was in there— is long gone. All we can do now is listen to what the campus police say and see who tries to come in." 

 "Why would anyone want to come in? The library isn't even officially open until tomorrow." 

Before Connie could finish, they saw another pair of students approaching the library entrance. 

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